A program is a series of related events that you schedule together, such as an Induction program for new starters, or a Retirement Preparation program.
You might have a number of training activities that you regularly run as a program. If so, you can categorize these activities using a category with the usage 'program' that you have set up for this purpose. When you are ready to schedule this program, you select the category in the Programs window, and the system automatically creates an event for each activity in the category.
For example, you might run a New Manager program each year, comprising the activities 'Project Management', 'Budgeting', 'Team Building', and 'Appraisals and Interviews'.
Create Subgroups
You set up programs to manage enrollments on a sequence of events. You can specify that some of the events are required, and that other events are optional. This enables students to see which events they must attend, and to select their choice of optional units or modules.
You can create subgroups of events within the program to help those making enrollments choose the events on which to enroll. For example, the first two events in a conference program might be required. Then there might be a further 12 events, divided into three groups of four, with the instructions that students must 'Choose two from four'.
You must create the subgroups as lookups before you create the program.
Pricing Programs
You can charge students one price for the whole program rather than for individual events, if required. This is beneficial if, for example, students can select events of different prices from a program, or if some events within the program are charged in different currencies.
Customized Programs
Events within a program are not restricted to activities within the selected program category. If you need to create a special program, for example to meet an individual customer's requirements, you can remove events from the regular program and add any number of additional events.
Program categories are just a convenient way to group activities that you typically run together so that you can schedule the program quickly.
Program and Events Status
If you create a program with a status of Normal, you can only include events of the same status in the program (and that are not members of another program. If you create a program with a status of Planned, you can include events of the status Normal and Planned.
See Also
Scheduling a Program
Entering Activity Categories.