Setup For Student Enrollments
When you are setting up Oracle Training Administration, you can customize the following areas to meet the needs of your enterprise:
- Define or create your own user statuses for the system-defined enrollment statuses.
- Create standard letters that can be generated automatically when an enrollment is given a certain status.
- Enter the following lookup codes:
- the source of an enrollment, such as a brochure or agency (BOOKING_SOURCE)
- the ranking of an enrollment, useful when an event is oversubscribed (PRIORITY_LEVEL)
- the reasons a student can fail to complete an activity successfully (DELEGATE_FAILURE_REASON)
- Use parameters on form functions to customize Enrollments windows:
- whether users can enter employee enrollments, customer enrollments, or both in the Enrollment windows
- which windows (Enrollment Summary, Enrollment Detail, and Search for Event) appear by default when users choose the Enrollments menu option
- which regions of the Enrollment Detail window are displayed
- Use parameters on form functions to control:
- whether authorised users can add competencies gained through an activity to a student's Competence Profile
- Set up security to determine which users can:
- enter, update and delete enrollments for secure events
- override event price information
See: Benefits of Customizing Enrollments Set Up