Making Mass Updates to Enrollments
If you are updating several enrollments in the same way, such as changing their status, or rolling them forward onto a new event, you can make mass updates in the Enrollment Summary window.
Using Priority Levels
You can use make mass updates to enrollments using the priority levels you entered for the enrollment.
For example, if you previously entered more requested enrollments than available places, you can use the priority levels to help you decide which enrollments to place and which to put on a waiting list in case of cancellations. You could do a mass update of the priority requests to the status Placed, and issue a standard confirmation letter. You can do a mass update of the remaining requests to the status Waitlisted, and issue a standard waiting list letter.
If a placed student cancels, you can choose the highest priority waitlisted student to fill the place. You can do a mass update of all waitlisted students to roll them over to the next scheduled event for the activity.
To make mass updates to enrollments:
1. Query the group of enrollments you want to update in the Enrollment Summary window.
2. Choose the Mass Update button and Oracle Training Administration displays the Bulk Change window.
3. Move the Bulk Change window so you can see the Enrollment Summary window (if it obscured) and choose the Select All button.
4. Uncheck the Change box for specific enrollments you do not want to update, or leave all enrollments checked if you want to update them all.
You can choose the Deselect All button if you have made a mistake and you do not want to update any enrollments for this event.
5. Select the new values you want to apply in the Bulk Change window. Enter a new event only if want to roll forward the enrollments onto a new event.
Oracle Training Administration changes all the enrollment statuses en masse for you (and rolls forward the enrollments onto a new event, if entered).