Mass Adjustment of Expenditures
Use the Find Expenditure Items window to process mass adjustment of expenditures.
You can optionally use the multi-select functionality in the Expenditure Items window to perform adjustments on more than one expenditure. However, the mass adjustment feature provides improved performance when you adjust a large number of expenditures.
To perform mass adjustment of expenditures:
1. Navigate to the Find Expenditure Items window.
2. Enter your search criteria. For example, if you want to make an identical adjustment to all billable expenditures by a specific employee, enter the Employee Name field and select Yes for Billable under the Billing Status fields.
4. From the Mass Adjust poplist, select the adjustment you want to perform on the selected expenditures. When the adjustment process is complete, view the message indicating the results of the process.
See Also
Expenditure Adjustments