Interface Expense Reports to Oracle Payables
You use the Interface Expense Reports to Payables process to collect all eligible costed expense reports in Oracle Projects and send them to Oracle Payables interface tables.
Once loaded onto these interface tables, the expense reports await further processing by Oracle Payables Invoice Import process.
Attention: If any expense reports fail to interface to Oracle Payables, you may need to redistribute costs before you can attempt to interface the expense reports again. Use the PRC: Distribute Expense Reports process to distribute expense reports.
When you interface invoices, Oracle Projects sets the purgeable flag for each expense report in Oracle Payables to No.
GL Date
The GL Date of the expense report cost determines the accounting period in which a transaction is posted to a general ledger account. In Oracle Projects, the GL Date for costs is the end date of the earliest open or future GL Period on or after the latest PA Date of the cost distribution lines included in an expense report. All cost distribution lines for an expense report are interfaced together to Oracle Payables and use the same GL date; this GL date becomes the GL date of the invoice in Oracle Payables.
Accounting Transactions
The Interface Expense Reports to Payables process uses AutoAccounting to determine the liability account for expense report costs. Oracle Projects derived the expense accounts using AutoAccounting when the expense reports costs were distributed; Oracle Projects does not use the Default Expense Account that you can define for the employee. The process interfaces the accounting transactions for expense reports to Oracle Payables interface tables.
Output Reports
Each time you run Interface Expense Reports to Payables, Oracle Projects prints output reports which allow you to track your successfully interfaced expense reports, as well as those expense reports which fail to interface. You should correct any exceptions and resubmit the process to successfully import rejected expense reports.
See Also
Date Processing in Oracle Projects
Interface Expense Reports to Payables