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The default project information for requisitions and purchase orders are session defaults which are lost when you exit the entry forms. The default project information for invoices is stored with the invoice and is retained when you requery the invoice.
The Project Number segment is the project number incurring the charge from the requisition, purchase order, or invoice.
The Task Number is the lowest level task incurring the charge from the requisition, purchase order, or invoice.
The Expenditure Type is an expenditure type classified with an expenditure type class of Supplier Invoices.
The Expenditure Organization is the organization that is ordering or has ordered the goods or services, which may be different from the project owning organization.
This organization defaults to the organization you specify in the profile option PA: Default Expenditure Organization in AP/PO. This profile option provides a default value for the expenditure organization segment each time you create project information in Oracle Payables or Oracle Purchasing. You can choose from any expenditure organization that has an HR Classification as your default value. Your system administrator can configure this default profile at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels; each user can also specify their own personal value for this profile.
The Expenditure Item Date is the date that you expect to incur the expense for the goods or services that you are requesting for a requisition or purchase order, or the date that you incur the charge for an invoice. This date is used during online validation against project transaction controls, and becomes the expenditure item date on the expenditure item in Oracle Projects. This date defaults to the current date each time you create a new Accounting Flexfield combination.
The Quantity is the quantity of goods or services that you are charged for. You can only enter data in this field in Oracle Payables, as this field is applicable for invoice distributions only.
This value is required if you have defined the expenditure type with Cost Rate Required set to Yes. For expenditure types that require a cost rate, the quantity on the invoice distribution becomes the quantity in the expenditure item and a cost rate is calculated as the amount divided by the quantity when Oracle Projects interfaces the invoice distribution and creates an expenditure item in Oracle Projects.
For other expenditure types that do not require a cost rate, the quantity in the invoice distribution is not copied to the expenditure item; instead the amount of the line is copied as the quantity and the amount on the expenditure item.
The following table specifies the project information that you enter for each document in Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Payables.
Oracle Payables automatically sets the quantity field to the quantity invoiced of the invoice distribution line when you match an invoice to a purchase order.
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