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Billing Cycle Extension

You can use a billing cycle client extension to derive the next billing date for a project. To use a client extension, you must write the logic in a PL/SQL procedure and then store the procedure in the database.

To use the billing cycle extension for any project, you must set the project's Billing Cycle Type to User-Defined.

Note: If a billing cycle extension used in the Invoice Generation Process returns a NULL value for the next billing date, the project will not be picked up for Invoice Processing.

Writing the Billing Cycle Extension

Oracle Projects provides a template package that contains the procedure that you can modify to implement the billing cycle client extension. The name of the package is pa_client_extn_bill_cycle, and the name of the procedure is get_next_billing_date.

Print out and review the following files before you begin writing your billing cycle client extension. These files are located in the Oracle Projects admin/sql directory.

PAXIBCXS.pls Billing Cycle Extension Package Specification Template. If you create procedures outside the predefined procedure within the PA_Client_Extn_Bill_Cycle package, you must also modify this file to include those new procedures.
PAXIBCXB.pls. Billing Cycle Extension Package Body Template. This file contains the procedure that you modify to implement the billing cycle client extension. You can define as many procedures as you want within this package or within the predefined procedure.

Warning: Do not change the name of the get_next_billing_date procedure, the parameter names, parameter types, or parameter order in your procedure. In addition, do not use the PL/SQL commands Commit and Rollback in your billing extension code.

Warning: For the get_next_billing_date function, define the pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES as WNDS, WNPS. For more information, refer to the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference Manual.

Suggestion: After you write the procedure, do not forget to compile it and store it in the database. See: Storing Your Procedures.

We recommend that you keep the following documentation on hand as reference material while defining procedures: the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference Manual and the Oracle Projects Technical Reference Manual.



Table 1 - 103 lists the parameters that Oracle Projects provides for the billing cycle client extension. The function returns a value for the next billing date.

Parameter Usage Type Description
X_project_id IN NUMBER The identifier of the project.
X_project_start_date IN DATE The start date of the project.
X_billing_cycle_id IN NUMBER The identifier of the billing cycle code.
X_bill_thru_date IN DATE The bill-through date entered for the process.
X_last_bill_thru_date IN DATE The last bill-through date of the project.

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