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Budget Entry Methods

Budget entry methods specify and control how you can enter a budget, including these options:

Budget entry methods simplify budget entry by leading you through the budget entry windows to enter the data that you need.

Budget entry methods also provide a way to enforce consistent budget entry across similar projects, which facilities cross-project reporting.

You select a budget entry method when you create a draft for a project. You also specify the default budget entry method for each project type.

Oracle Projects predefines three budget entry methods:

You can define additional budget entry methods during implementation.

Defining Budget Entry Methods

   To define a budget entry method:

See Also

Effective Dates

Entering a Budget Draft

Fremont Corporation defines the following budget entry methods which address the various budgeting requirements of their projects.
The following two budget entry methods are used for projects that track budgets at a detail level using lowest level tasks or top tasks and PA periods. This is a company policy for all capital and contract projects.
Name Lowest Task by PA Period
Entry Level Lowest Task
Categorized by Resource Yes
Time Phased By PA Period
Cost Enterable Fields Quantity, Raw Cost, Burdened Cost
Revenue Enterable Fields Revenue
Name Top Task by PA Period
Entry Level Top Task
Categorized by Resource Yes
Time Phased By PA Period
Cost Enterable Fields Quantity, Raw Cost, Burdened Cost
Revenue Enterable Fields Revenue
Fremont defines the next budget entry method for use in indirect projects, which are allowed to have non-categorized amounts at the project level, but must be defined by GL period.
Name Project by GL Period
Entry Level Project
Categorized by Resource Yes
Time Phased By GL Period
Cost Enterable Fields Quantity, Raw Cost, Burdened Cost
Revenue Enterable Fields None
Fremont defines the next two budget entry methods to record the forecast budget for all projects. The forecast budget can be entered at either the project or top task levels.
Name Project at Completion
Entry Level Project
Categorized by Resource No
Time Phased By None
Cost Enterable Fields Quantity, Raw Cost, Burdened Cost
Revenue Enterable Fields Revenue
Name Top Task at Completion
Entry Level Top Task
Categorized by Resource No
Time Phased By None
Cost Enterable Fields Quantity, Raw Cost, Burdened Cost
Revenue Enterable Fields Revenue
Fremont defines the next two budget entry methods for use with revenue budgets on contract projects that use cost plus contracts. These budget entry methods require entry of budget categories. For cost plus projects, project users need to define the fee component of the revenue budget for use in the fee calculation. Fremont defines two entry methods to accommodate both project level funding and top task funding.
These two budget entry methods may also be used for forecast budgets.
Name Project Level by Category
Entry Level Project
Categorized by Resource Yes
Time Phased By None
Cost Enterable Fields Quantity, Raw Cost, Burdened Cost
Revenue Enterable Fields Revenue
Name Top Task Level by Category
Entry Level Top Task
Categorized by Resource Yes
Time Phased By None
Cost Enterable Fields Quantity, Raw Cost, Burdened Cost
Revenue Enterable Fields Revenue

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