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Choosing Which Method to Use

The key difference between these two methods is how you view the burden costs on your project. You view the burden costs either as another value on the same expenditure item or as another expenditure item.

The way you budget your projects may influence how you choose to store burden cost:

Note: To budget by burden cost component, you use the expenditure type assigned to the burden cost code during setup.

Regardless of which method you choose to store the burden cost, the total raw and burdened costs of the project do not change. The key difference is how you view the information. Also, these methods only apply to storing the cost amounts of the transactions. If you are using cost plus processing for revenue accrual and/or invoicing, then the revenue or invoice amounts are held as an amount along with the raw cost on the expenditure item. You cannot store the burden costs applied for revenue accrual and invoicing as separate summarized, burden transactions.

See Also

Overview of Project Budgets

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