Assets Window Reference
You must enter asset information when you define an asset in Oracle Projects. The Interface Assets process sends all asset information to Oracle Assets, except the following:
- Estimated Date In Service
Asset Name
The asset name must be unique within the project. You cannot change the asset name after you place the asset in service in Oracle Projects.
Asset Number
An asset number uniquely identifies each asset. You can enter a unique asset number, or use automatic asset numbering in Oracle Assets during the Mass Additions process. You cannot update this field after you send the asset to Oracle Assets.
If you enter an asset number, it must be unique and not in the range of numbers reserved for automatic asset numbering in Oracle Assets. You can enter any unique number that is less than the number in the Starting Asset Number field in the System Controls form, or you can enter any non-numeric value.
Estimated In Service Date
The date you estimate placing the asset in service. Use the Estimated Date In Service to query and review assets you expect to be in service.
Actual Date In Service
The actual date you place the asset in service and begin using it. The date can be in the current or a prior accounting period. You cannot change this date after you place the asset in service in Oracle Projects.
You may want to begin creating and reviewing asset lines prior to the period you intend to place the asset in service. You can enter a date in a future accounting period.
Warning: The Interface Assets process automatically rejects an asset with a future date in service.
The description of the asset you are building. You cannot update this field after you send the asset to Oracle Assets.
Asset Category
The asset category determines the default asset cost account and depreciation rules for the asset after you send the asset to Oracle Assets. You cannot update this field after you send the asset to Oracle Assets.
Oracle Projects provides you with a list of asset category values defined in Oracle Assets and associated with the corporate book of the CIP asset.
The corporate depreciation book of the asset. Oracle Assets defaults financial information from the asset category, book, and date placed in service for your asset after you send it to Oracle Assets.
Oracle Projects provides you with a list of corporate book values defined in Oracle Assets which match the Oracle Projects set of books. You can have multiple corporate books associated with one set of books in Oracle Assets.
Expected physical location of the asset after it is placed in service. Oracle Projects provides you with a list of valid locations defined in Oracle Assets.
The number of units of the asset. You cannot update this field after you send the asset to Oracle Assets. For example, if you are building two assembly machines, enter 2 units for the asset.
Employee Name and Number (Optional)
The employee (not the project owner) responsible for the asset when it is placed in service.
Check the Depreciate check box if you want to depreciate the asset in Oracle Assets.
Depreciation Expense Account
The expense account to which you want to charge the asset's depreciation. You cannot update this field after you send the asset to Oracle Assets. You must specify a Book before you can enter a depreciation expense account.
Amortize Adjustments
Check the Amortize Adjustments check box if you want to amortize the catchup depreciation on a cost adjustment over the remaining life of the asset. If you do not check Amortize Adjustments, Oracle Assets expenses the catchup depreciation expense for the adjustment in one period.
If you check this check box, you cannot uncheck it once the asset has been interfaced to Oracle Assets.
Attention: If you check this check box and reverse capitalize the asset, Oracle Assets will amortize the catch up depreciation on the negative cost adjustment over the remaining life of the asset. Therefore, the depreciation expense per period on the original asset cost will not match the backout depreciation expense per period to account for the asset cost reversal in Oracle Assets.
See Also
Defining Assets
Asset Setup Information Oracle Assets User's Guide