Distribute Labor Costs
This process computes the labor costs for timecard hours and determines the GL account to which to post the cost. The Distribute Labor Costs process is a required prerequisite for the generation of revenue and invoices for timecard items. For more information about this process, see: Distributing Labor Costs.
Process Submission
You submit the PRC: Distribute Labor Costs process from the Submit Request window either by itself, or as part of the 'Distribute and Interface Labor Costs to GL' streamline option of the PRC: Submit Streamline Processes process. See: Submitting Requests.
Process Parameters
To limit the process to a particular project number, employee, or week ending date, enter one or more parameters.
Rescheduling Parameters
Rescheduling parameters allows you to configure the Distribute Labor Cost process to run automatically, according to a defined schedule. You can specify rescheduling parameters when you submit the Distribute Labor Costs process from the Submit Request form.
Output Reports
Five output reports show you the results of this process:
- The Labor Cost Exception Report (Straight-time). Lists all straight-time labor expenditure items that could not be processed by the Distribute Labor Costs process. This report lists the rejection reason for each of the expenditure items that failed cost distribution.
- The Labor Cost Report (Straight-time). Lists the costs for all of the straight time labor hours successfully processed by the Distribute Labor Costs process. For each labor item, this report lists the employee who reported the labor hours, the expenditure and expenditure item dates, the project and task to which these hours were charged, and the number of hours charged.
- The Overtime Labor Calculations Report. Lists all the employees for which the Overtime Calculation extension calculated new overtime items. This report is displayed only if you use the Overtime Calculation extension to automatically calculate overtime. If you use manual overtime entry, this report is not printed.
This report displays each employee for which new overtime items were created, the week in which the overtime was created, the employee's compensation rule used to calculate overtime for the employee, and the number of overtime hours for the different types of overtime. See: Overtime Calculation Extension.
- The Labor Cost Exception Report (Overtime). Lists the same information as the Labor Cost Exception Report (Straight-time). The difference is that this report only shows overtime expenditure items that could not be processed normally by the Distribute Labor Costs process. This report lists the rejection reason for each of the expenditure items that fails cost distribution.
- The Labor Cost Report (Overtime). Lists the same information as the Labor Cost Report (Straight-time). The difference is that this report displays only overtime items.
Note: You can also review rejection reasons for straight-time and overtime items from the Expenditure Items window by using the Show Field option in the Folder menu to display Cost Distr. Rejection. See: Performing a Project Expenditure Inquiry.