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This should be your most frequent case. All revenue is accrued and all invoices billed against the same agreement. The same agreement may fund other projects without changing the operation of the system.
All revenue and invoice amounts are divided between each customer according to the percentage splits defined for the project in the Customers and Contract Project options. Each run of generate revenue creates one draft revenue per customer, and each run of generate invoice creates one draft invoice per customer. The draft revenue and invoices for all customers contain the same items, but with prorated amounts.
Oracle Projects supports only one percentage split between customers over the life of a project. If you want to change an existing percentage split, you must cancel all invoices and recalculate all revenue.
For example, a project that was originally funded by one purchase order is subsequently funded by another purchase order. The customer has requested that each invoice reference a specific purchase order. In this case, you would fund the project from two agreements, one for each purchase order. The PRC: Generate Draft Invoice process produces two invoices -- one against each purchase order agreement from which funding is used.
When revenue is generated, hard limit agreements are used first in order of expiration date, followed by soft limit agreements in order of expiration date. When revenue fills one agreement and starts on the next, all of the items in the current revenue run are prorated between the two agreements. This proration follows through on the invoices.
This method is a combination of the two above. Revenue is prorated between the customers according to their percentage split. For each customer, revenue is placed on agreements by the same rules as for multiple agreements and a single customer.
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