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The revenues that successfully interface are updated with the interface status of Accepted. If any of the revenues are rejected during interface to Oracle General Ledger, then the interface status for these revenues is set to Rejected.
You can run this process either before or after you run PRC: Interface Invoices to Receivables (neither process is a prerequisite for the other).
Note: If you implement Multiple Reporting Currencies in Oracle Projects, you must run this process in your primary currency before you can run the same process in your reporting currencies. See also: Multiple Reporting Currencies in Oracle Applications.
End PA Date. Enter the date for the high end of the PA Date range within which you want the process to select eligible draft revenues. If you leave this parameter blank, the process selects all eligible draft revenues having PA Dates after the date you enter in the Start PA Date process parameter.
Project Number. Enter the number of the project whose draft revenues you want to interface to Oracle General Ledger. If you leave this parameter blank, the process selects all eligible draft revenues across all projects.
The Interface Revenues to General Ledger Report (Revenue Transactions). Lists each draft revenue that successfully interfaced to Oracle General Ledger. For each draft revenue, this report displays the draft revenue's project number and draft revenue number, the customer name and customer agreement funding the revenue, the PA and GL accounting dates in which the draft revenue posts, the number of the draft revenue, if any, that this one credits, and the total revenue amount of the draft revenue.
The Interface Revenues to General Ledger Exception Report (Revenue Transactions). Lists any draft revenues that were rejected during the process. For each draft revenue that fails to interface to Oracle General Ledger, this report lists the rejection reason.
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