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Other Invoicing Issues


You use invoice retention to reduce a project invoice by a percentage amount that you specify for a particular project. Invoice retention applies to both expenditure item invoices and event billings. Oracle Projects does not do any special accounting for invoice retention.

To bill an invoice retention amount, you first clear the Retention Invoice Format field in the Revenue and Billing Information window. Then you create a manual invoice event equal to the retained invoice amount, and then generate an invoice.

Hard Limits

You specify a hard limit for an agreement to limit revenue accrual and billing of a project funded by that agreement to the amount funded. You specify whether to use a hard limit for an agreement in the Agreements form. See: Entering Agreements.

When Oracle Projects encounters a hard limit when generating an invoice, it selects expenditure items until the hard limit is met, or until all additional items would cause the hard limit to be exceeded. However, the amount that Oracle Projects bills is the full bill amount for each expenditure item, not the partially accrued (partially distributed) revenue amount.

For example, say Task 3.0 is funded with $1,000 from an agreement with a hard limit, and expenditures charged to the task create potential billable items in excess of $1,000. When an invoice is generated for task 3.0, Oracle Projects reaches the hard limit at $1,000. Oracle Projects bills as many expenditure items as it can up to the limit of $1,000. Oracle Projects looks at the earliest expenditure items billed against Task 3.0 as its criteria of which items to select to bill first under the $1,000 limit. According to this example, Oracle Projects bills $940; additional eligible items exist, none with an amount of $60 or less.

Task 3.0: Hard Limits for Invoicing
Employee Name Quantity Billed Bill Rate per Unit Bill Amount Amount Invoiced
Marlin 6 hours 60.00 360.00 360.00
Gray 1 hours 40.00 40.00 40.00
Marlin 9 hours 60.00 540.00 540.00
Total Amount of Invoice 940.00

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