Designing Labor Transaction Extensions
We recommend that you determine the logic and the additional data elements your client extensions require before you write them.
We recommend that you consider the additional design issues for labor transaction extensions:
- What are the conditions in which your company needs to create related items? Why are you creating related items instead of using another method like burdening to account for additional costs?
- How do you identify labor transactions that meet these conditions?
- What related transactions should be created in these cases?
- What project and task are the related transactions charged to?
- What expenditure types are used for the related transactions?
- How is the raw cost of the related transaction calculated? Is it based on the raw cost of the source transaction or based on some other calculation?
- Is the related transaction burdened? If so, you need to set up your cost plus implementation so that the transaction is burdened.
- How is the related transaction's cost accounted for? Is the raw cost accounting for related transactions different from the accounting for source transactions? Is the total burdened cost accounting different (if you use total burdened cost accounting)? You need to define your AutoAccounting rules for labor costs appropriately.
- How is the billable status of each related transaction determined? Do you need to create a transaction control extension rule to properly specify the related transaction's billable status?
- Are the related transactions billed? If so, under what conditions? How is the bill amount calculated under the different billing methods? Do you need to use a labor billing extension to bill these transactions?
- Is the related transaction's revenue accounted for differently than the source transactions? If so, how? You need to define your AutoAccounting rules for labor revenue appropriately.
- What are the exception conditions for your labor transaction extension? For example, what is the exception handling if you cannot find a rate for the related transaction if the related transaction's raw cost is not directly based on the source transaction's raw cost?
See Also
Designing Client Extensions