Reviewing Online Time and Expense
You can use the Review Online Time and Expense window to review and approve timecards and expense reports online. Online timecards and expense reports are expenditures submitted from Oracle Personal Time and Expense to Oracle Projects. You can view timecards and expense reports with a status of Submitted only.
You can perform the following actions on timecards and expense reports in this window: Approve, Reject, and Forward. You can route expenditures to any other employee who is a supervisor.
The review online time and expense process is as follows:
- Employees enter timecards and expense reports in Oracle Personal Time and Expense, and submit them to Oracle Projects for approval.
- Supervisors review and approve, reject, or forward the expenditures in the Online Time and Expense window.
- If the expenditure is approved, it is ready for cost distribution.
- If the expenditure is forwarded, the person to whom it is forwarded can approve or reject it, or forward it to another person for approval.
- If it is rejected, the employee must correct and resubmit the expenditure for approval.
Oracle Projects updates the expenditure status to Rejected when you reject it, or Approved, when you approve it for costing.
Submit time and expense to Oracle Projects from Oracle Personal Time and Expense for review and approval.
To review online time and expense:
1. Navigate to the Review Online Time and Expense window (Expenditures > Online Expenditure Review).
Choose Supervisor to view only time and expense routed to you or All to view all time and expense.
2. Enter the Week Ending range of timecards and expense reports you want to review.
3. Enter the Employee who submitted the timecards and expense reports you want to review.
4. Use the View poplist to view expense reports and timecards that meet your search criteria.
6. Choose Details to view the detail information for this timecard or expense report.
7. Choose Routing to review the routing history of this expenditure.
To forward a timecard or expense report:
- Choose the Forward button and enter the name of the supervisor to whom you want to route this expenditure. Optionally enter a comment. Choose whether to approve this expenditure.
If you forward without approval, the expenditure status remains Submitted, and it is routed to the person you specify for review and approval.
To reject a timecard or expense report:
- Choose the Reject button and enter a comment to indicate how you want the employee to correct it. Oracle Projects automatically routes the rejected expenditure to the employee who submitted it for approval.
In Oracle Personal Time and Expense, the employee can request the updated status for expenditures submitted to and reviewed in Oracle Projects. The employee can correct rejected expenditures and resubmit them to Oracle Projects for approval.
To approve a timecard or expense report for costing:
- Choose the Approve button. Oracle Projects updates the status of the expenditure to Approved.
If you are using an approval extension, Oracle Projects calls the extension when you choose the Approve button to execute special checks and validations on the expenditure. See: Approval Extensions Oracle Personal Time and Expense System Administrator's Guide.
To print a timecard or expense report:
The resulting report is AUD: Timecard Entry for a timecard or AUD: Expense Report Entry for an expense report.
See Also
Overview of Oracle Personal Time and Expense
Oracle Personal Time and Expense System Administrator's Guide