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You must enter at least one customer on a contract project to fund the project and accrue revenue and invoice the customer. The contribution percentage must sum to 100%.
Relationship: The relationship between this customer and your project, such as Primary, or Non-Paying.
Contribution: The percentage of this project's revenue and billing you expect this customer to contribute. If you enter more than one customer for this project, the total customer contributions towards revenue and billing must sum to 100% before you can accrue revenue or bill invoices against this project.
Bill Site: An address where you want to send this customer's invoices. You can choose any active billing address defined for this customer in the Oracle Receivables database. You need to enter a bill site for any customer whose contribution is greater than zero percent.
Work Site: An address where work will be performed for this project. You can choose any active ship-to address defined for this customer in the Oracle Receivables database. You need to enter a work site for any customer having a billing contribution greater than zero percent.
Name: You can choose any active contact name defined for this customer in the Oracle Receivables database.
Job Title: The job title of the contact.
Defining Project Customer Relationships
Using Effective Dates to Enable and Disable Options
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