The Expense Report Cost Account function consists of the following transactions:
Fremont posts expense report costs to the project-managing organization's cost center, and relies upon expenditure type to determine which account to debit.
Although the Expense Report Cost Account function consists of transactions that distinguish between public and private; and between billable and non-billable expenses, Fremont does not differentiate between any of these characteristics in its chart of accounts. Therefore, rather than enabling the six very specific transactions, Fremont's accounting department enables just the general All Expenses transaction.
Fremont Corporation uses three accounts to record expense report costs:
| Travel & Lodging Expense (5200)
| Meals Expense (5201)
| Miscellaneous Expense (5202)
To implement the Expense Report Cost Account function, Fremont defines a lookup set to map expenditure types to each of its three expense accounts. Fremont uses the lookup set to define a rule to supply an account code for the Account segment of its Accounting Flexfield.
Fremont uses existing rules to supply values for the Company and Cost Center segments of its Accounting Flexfield.
Define a Lookup Set:
| Exp Type to Expense Account
| Map the expenditure type for expense report items to the appropriate expense account
Segment Value Lookups
Intermediate Value
(Expenditure Type)
| Segment Value
(Account Code)
Air Travel
| 5200
Automobile Rental
| 5200
Personal Auto Use
| 5200
| 5201
| 5202
Other Expenses
| 5202
Define a Rule to Determine Account Segment Value:
| Expense Report Cost
| Determine expense report cost account based on the expenditure type
Intermediate Value Source
| Parameter
Parameter Name
| Expenditure Type
Segment Value Source
| Segment Value Lookup Set
Lookup Set
| Exp Type to Expense Account
Enable The All Expenses Transaction and Assign Rules:
Function Name:
| Expense Report Cost Account
Transaction Name:
| All Expenses
Segment Rule Pairings
| Segment Name
| Rule Name
| Company
| Project Company
| Cost Center
| Project Cost Center
| Account
| Expense Report Cost
The Expense Report Liability Account function consists of the following transaction:
Fremont Corporation uses one account to record accounts payable to employees:
| Accounts Payable, Employee (2400)
To implement the Expense Report Liability Account function, Fremont defines a rule to supply an account code for the Account segment of its Accounting Flexfield. This rule always supplies account 2400, the only accounts payable liability account in Fremont's chart of accounts.
Fremont uses existing rules to supply values for the Company and Cost Center segments of its Accounting Flexfield.
Define a Rule to Determine Account Segment Value:
| AP Employee Liability
| Determine the accounts payable liability account
Intermediate Value Source
| Constant
| 2400
Segment Value Source
| Intermediate Value
Enable the AP Liability Account Transaction and Assign Rules:
Function Name:
| Expense Report Liability Account
Transaction Name:
| AP Liability Account
Segment Rule Pairings
| Segment Name
| Rule Name
| Company
| Employee Company
| Cost Center
| Division Cost Center
| Account
| AP Employee Liability