Summarization Period Exceptions
When you change the PA Reporting Period, Oracle Projects displays a warning message if the change would affect the summary amounts reported on any projects. This report lists projects that will be affected by changing the reporting period.
This report lists projects that will be affected by a change in the reporting period. The report lists projects by the following categories:
- Projects that have been summarized beyond the reporting period parameter.
- Projects that have not been summarized up to the reporting period parameter.
- Projects that have never been summarized.
For example, suppose the PA Reporting Period is week 3-JUL-98, and you want to change the PA Reporting Period to week 2-JUL-98. When you make the change, the PA Periods window displays a warning message indicating that some projects would be affected by the change. This report enables you to see which projects would be affected.
The summarization period exception report is based on the view PA_ACCUM_PERIOD_EXCEPTIONS_V.
Report Submission
You can submit this report from the Submit Request window. Include the prefix "EXC:" when you enter the report name. See: Submitting Requests.
Reporting PA Period. Enter the PA Period you want to set as the new current reporting period.
See Also
Setting the PA Reporting Period