Setting Up PTE for Multi-Organization Support
If you implement multiple organizations in Oracle Projects, you need to populate the PA_PTE_MORG_EMP_TAB table before users can submit PTE expenditures. In Release 10.7, this table was named PA_PTE_MULTI_ORG_EMP_MAP. The values in this table determine the operating unit into which the employee's time and expenses are collected. You can populate this table using either of the following methods:
- Use the PTE Employee Assignment to Operating Unit window
Create your own SQL script to populate the PA_PTE_MORG_EMP_TAB table based on any conditions you include in your select statement. Because there is a unique index on the PERSON_ID column in this table, the table must contain only one record per PTE user.
You can also use the PTE Employee Assignment to Operating Unit window to populate and maintain the table one record at a time.
Alternately, you can modify the PAPTEMAP.sql script to update the PA_PTE_MULTI_ORG_EMP_MAP view. This script is located in the $PA_TOP/admin/sql directory. The view must contain only one record for each PTE user, identified by PERSON_ID.
For more information about the PA_PTE_MORG_EMP_TAB table, refer to the Oracle Personal Time and Expense System Administrator's Guide. See also: PA_PTE_MORG_EMP_TAB in the Oracle Projects Technical Reference Manual.
Perform the following steps to use the PTE Employee Assignment to Operating Unit window to add information to, update information in, or delete information from the PA_PTE_MORG_EMP_TAB table.
See Also
Multi-Organization Support in Oracle Projects
To add an employee to an operating unit using the PTE Employee Assignment to Operating Unit window:
1. In the Navigator window, choose Setup > Expenditures > PTE-Multiple Org.
2. Choose Edit > New Record.
3. Use the list of values button to choose the employee's name or number. Choosing a value for either field will automatically populate both fields.
Note: An employee's name and number must be unique within a business group.
4. Use the list of values button to choose the employee's operating unit. The list of values will display the name and organization ID of each operating unit that belongs to your business group.
Note: To populate this table with information from different business groups, you must define a responsibility within each business group that can access this window. You can maintain information only for the business group associated with the responsibility under which you log into Oracle Projects.
To revise information for an employee already assigned to an operating unit using the PTE Employee Assignment to Operating Unit window:
1. In the Navigator window, choose Setup > Expenditures > PTE-Multiple Org.
2. Query the record(s) that you need to update.
3. Use the list of values button to choose the revised information for a given employee.
Note: Changes you make to operating unit assignments affect all subsequent PTE expenditures. Existing PTE expenditures will not reflect these changes.
To delete an employee from an operating unit using the PTE Employee Assignment to Operating Unit window:
1. In the Navigator window, choose Setup > Expenditures > PTE-Multiple Org.
2. Query the record(s) that you want to delete.
3. Select each record to be deleted and choose Edit > Delete Record.