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Populating the Interface Table

Transaction Import depends on transaction data from your external system to create corresponding transactions in Oracle Projects. Before you can import transactions, you must first write a custom feeder program that interfaces transaction data from your original system into the Transaction Import interface table. Your feeder program must convert data from your original system into a standard data format that Transaction Import can read. Transaction Import can then convert your imported data into transactions in Oracle Projects.

Writing a Feeder Program

The type of environment from which you want to interface your data determines the type of feeder program you need to write. For example, you can use SQL*Loader, PL/SQL, or Pro*C to write a feeder program to interface transaction data from a non-Oracle system. Or, you can write a conversion program to interface historical data from your previous cost collection system.

Ensure that your transaction flat file has the appropriate information to populate PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL as indicated in the PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL Table Description. If a value is not required for a column, you may leave the column empty. See: PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL Table Description

Selecting an Import Utility

SQL*Loader is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that should be able to accommodate all of your import needs. However, depending on the complexity of your import program, you may also want to use Oracle's Pro* language products such as Pro*C, Pro*Cobol and Pro*Fortran to write the program.

Your import utility file must populate PA_TRANSACTION_ INTERFACE_ALL as indicated in the previous table description. Also, you should code your file to populate the TRANSACTION_ SOURCE column in PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL with the Transaction Source code exactly as you defined it in the Transaction Sources window.

You must provide any information that the interface table requires that your external system does not provide. For example, if your external timecard system does not provide expenditure types, you must create at least one expenditure type and specify it in your control file.

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