Viewing and Processing Imported Transactions
Viewing Transactions in Oracle Projects
Transaction Import loads transactions as pre-approved expenditure items; expenditure batches are created as having a status of Released. A status of Released indicates that the expenditure batch is fully approved and ready for cost distribution.
Note: All transactions that have already been accounted for in external systems, including manufacturing transactions, are loaded as costed transactions. These transactions are created with cost distribution lines and a status of Received.
You can view imported expenditure batches and associated expenditures and expenditure items using the Expenditure Inquiry and Expenditure Batches windows in Oracle Projects.
Note: The expenditure batch name within Oracle Projects is created as a concatenation of the batch name and expenditure type class entered in the transaction interface table and the interface ID. For example, an expenditure batch name may appear as follows: B1ST101.
B1 is the batch name loaded from the external system, ST is the expenditure type class ('ST' for Straight Time), and 101 is the interface ID generated when you run the transaction import process.
The maximum length of the expenditure batch name is 20 characters (10 for the batch name, 3 for the expenditure type class, and 7 for the interface ID). The interface ID is an Oracle sequence that resets to 1 after 9999999. If a duplicate expenditure batch name results from resetting the interface ID to 1, change the batch name of the entire batch.
For detailed information on successfully imported expenditure items, use the following information as parameters for the AUD: Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry Audit Report. The information for these parameters is displayed in the Transaction Import output report.
- Employee name that corresponds to the user ID of the person that submitted Transaction Import
Identifying the "Entered By" User for Reporting Purposes
For viewing imported transaction online, or for using the Entered By parameters in reports such as the Pre-Approved Expenditures Entry Audit Report, use the employee name that corresponds to the user ID of the person who submitted the process as the entered by person.
Suggestion: You may wish to create a new user to run Transaction Import with a unique name, such as TRX IMPORT USER, so you can easily identify and report imported transactions.
Adjusting Imported Transactions in Oracle Projects
You can adjust imported transactions in Oracle Projects, if the transaction source allows this type of change. See: Expenditure Adjustments and Transaction Sources.
Note: Raw cost values for transactions that were already costed when loaded into Oracle Projects will not be changed if you mark the item for cost recalculation.
Uniquely Identifying Transactions
You can uniquely identify imported transactions by the transaction source and the original transaction reference, if you do not allow duplicate system references for the transaction source. You can review this information in the Expenditure Items window, which you can access from the Expenditure Inquiry window.
Processing Imported Transactions
Oracle Projects processes imported transactions just as it processes transactions entered using the expenditure entry forms. The imported transactions that are not accounted (as specified for the transaction source) are processed in the appropriate cost distribution program. If expenditure items are billable and charged to a contract project, they are also processed during revenue and invoice generation. Accounting transactions are then interfaced to other Oracle Applications.
Purging Imported Transactions
You can either automatically or manually purge imported transactions from the interface table. To automatically purge imported transactions, you specify that a particular transaction source is purgeable. To manually purge imported transactions, use SQL*Plus to remove the records from the interface table.