Assigning Project Parameters
You need to associate a project number or a Seiban number with a Planning Group, a Cost Group, and a Default WIP Accounting Class.
To set up project parameters:
2. If you are making the first assignment, simply enter the project or Seiban number you want to associate with a planning group. If you are updating an existing assignment, query the existing record and make the necessary changes.
If the number you enter is a Seiban number, a check is dynamically placed in the Seiban Number Flag field.
3. Optionally, select the name of the planning group with which you want to associate your project or Seiban number.
If you plan net material requirements by a group of projects, rather than just by each individual project, you need to define a planning group and assign all the projects to this planning group. If you only plan net material requirements by a single project, you do not need to associate the project with any planning group.
If the organization primary costing method is Standard, the Cost Group field is disabled. There is no need to assign a Cost Group to a project.
If the organization primary costing method is Weighted Average, the Cost Group field is enabled. You must enter a Cost Group for your project. If you want to assign your project to the Common Cost Group, you must assign it explicitly.
Weighted average costing for Inventory and WIP is maintained at the Cost Group level. Therefore, if you want to keep weighted average costing at the project level, you must assign the project to its own Cost Group.
5. Enter a WIP accounting class.
If the organization primary costing method is Standard, you can choose any discrete WIP accounting classes.
If the organization primary costing method is Weighted Average, you can choose any WIP accounting class that has been associated with the selected cost group.
You can choose any WIP accounting class that has been associated with the selected cost group in the WIP Accounting Classes for Cost Groups window in Cost Management. See: Defining Cost Groups.
When you create project jobs or complete work order-less schedules for a project, this accounting class is defaulted if an accounting class, based on the assembly item's category set, cannot be found. It can be overridden, but only with another accounting class that is assigned to the cost group. See: WIP Accounting Class Defaults.
6. Enter a Default Material Task.
This field is enabled and mandatory when the Project Control Level parameter is set to Project and Cost Collection parameter is enabled. Since cost collection requires that the project inventory transaction has project as well as task numbers, you must designate a default task for your project so that Oracle Project Manufacturing will use the default task for your project inventory transaction if it does not have a task.
Once you saved the project parameter definition, the window creates a default material (inventory) task assignment rule in the Material Task Assignment table using the project and the default material task. You cannot update the default material task in the Project Parameters window, but you can update the default task in the Material Task Assignment window. Oracle Project Manufacturing will use the new default task for subsequent inventory transactions.
7. Enter a Default Resource Task.
This field is enabled and mandatory when the Project Control Level parameter is set to Project and Cost Collection parameter is enabled. Since cost collection requires that the project WIP transaction has project as well as task numbers, you must designate a default task for your project so that Oracle Project Manufacturing will use the default task for your project WIP transaction if it does not have a task.
Once you saved the project parameter definition, the window creates a default resource (WIP) task assignment rule in the Resource Task Assignment table using the project and the default resource task. You cannot update the default resource task in the Project Parameters window, but you can update the default task in the Resource Task Assignment window. Oracle Project Manufacturing will use the new default task for subsequent WIP transactions.
See Also
Defining Planning Group QuickCodes
Defining Cost Groups
WIP Accounting Classes
Associating WIP Accounting Classes with Categories