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Management of Internal Sales Orders

You manage internal sales orders using some of the same windows as customer sales orders. Once you import an internal requisition using OrderImport, you can use the Schedule Orders window to change the reserved quantity, schedule date, schedule status, ship-to contact, freight carrier, and shipment priority. The destination organization has complete visibility to any changes in incoming supply based on schedule date changes or partial shipments.

Pricing of internal requisitions is based on item costs as they are passed through OrderImport; price lists are irrelevant.

You can demand inventory for internal requisitions either to the organization, or the organization and subinventory levels. Use the Demand Interface to place demand against your source organization and/or subinventory in background, or the Schedule Orders window to place demand on-line.

You cannot view or update internal sales orders in the Sales Orders window. Use the View Orders window to view information and the Schedule Orders window to update information.

Order Entry / Shipping does not process internal sales order lines for the Receivables Interface, even if the Receivables Interface is an action in the order cycle for the internal sales order.

Note: You should not drop-ship internal sales orders. See: Drop Shipments.

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