Overdue Supplier Shipments Report
This report can be used to follow-up with suppliers. The report includes the supplier contact and the phone number along with percentage delivery and the due date. The report also includes purchase orders that do not have a supplier contact assigned. By limiting the report to only one buyer, you can do follow-up by buyer. And, finally, by limiting the report by categories, you can do purchasing follow-up for a range of commodities.
The Due Date is the date the supplier promised delivery for the items you ordered on the shipment, or the date you indicated that you needed the goods by.
Report Submission
In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests windows, select Overdue Supplier Shipments Report in the Name field.
Report Parameters
Overdue as of
Enter a date to restrict the report to purchase orders not fully received where the promised date is less than or equal to this date. If you do not enter a date, the report prints all purchase orders that you have not yet fully received where the promised date is less than or equal to the current date. If the promised date is not provided, the need by date is used.
Enter a buyer to restrict the report to a specific buyer.
Suppliers From/To
Enter a beginning and ending supplier.
Ship-to Location
Enter a ship-to location to restrict the report to overdue shipments for a specific location.
Categories From/To
Enter a beginning and an ending category from the purchasing category set.
Organization Name
Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.
Dynamic Precision Option
Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.
See Also
Submitting a Request