Overview of Purchase Orders
Purchasing provides the Purchase Orders window that you can use to enter Standard and Planned purchase orders as well as Blanket and Contract purchase agreements. You must be defined as a buyer to use this window. See: Entering Purchase Order Headers. See: Defining Buyers.
To create purchasing documents more quickly, use the AutoCreate Documents window. See: Autocreate Documents Overview.
Purchasing provides you the features you need to satisfy the following purchasing needs. You should be able to:
- Review all of your purchases with your suppliers to negotiate better discounts
- Create purchase orders simply by entering a supplier and item details
- Create standard purchase orders and blanket releases from both on-line and paper requisitions
- Create accurate and detailed accounting information so that you charge purchases to the appropriate departments
- Check your funds availability while creating purchase orders.
- Review the status and history of your purchase orders at any time for all the information you need
- Print purchase orders flexibly by using a number of print options
- Inform your suppliers of your shipment schedule requirements
- Record supplier acceptances of your purchase orders. You always know whether your suppliers have received and accepted your purchase order terms and conditions
- Create your purchase orders by providing a quantity and price for each item you are ordering. Alternatively, you should also be able to create your purchase order simply by providing an amount if you are ordering a service that you cannot break down by price and quantity