Entering and Viewing Purchase Order Acceptances
Use the Acceptances window to view and enter purchase order acceptances from your suppliers. The original copy of the purchase order you send to the supplier is a legal offer to buy. A binding purchase contract does not exist until the supplier accepts your offer either by performing the contract or formally accepting the offer by returning an acceptance document to you.
You indicate on your standard purchase orders, purchase agreements, and releases whether you require your suppliers to accept your orders by a specific date. Purchasing notifies you in the Notifications Summary window of the orders for which the suppliers have not responded by the acceptance due date.
To view acceptances:
To enter acceptances:
1. Navigate to the Acceptances window by selecting Acceptances from the Special menu in the Purchase Orders and Releases windows.
You can accept only purchase orders and releases that you approved at least once and that are not closed.
2. In the Action field, enter the results of your supplier follow-up. You can easily record the type of follow-up you performed such as Follow-up telephone call, Follow-up letter, or Fax follow-up. You can also use this field to record the outcome of the follow-up such as Will call back, No answer, Schedule slippage, or Cannot fulfill order.
3. Enter the Revision number. The default is the current revision. Purchasing removes the notification from the Notifications Summary window only when you record the acceptance of the most recent revision.
4. Enter the Action Date for the acceptance transaction. Today's date is the default, but you can enter any date.
5. Enter the Accepted By person. Your name is the default.
6. Select Accepted to indicate that the supplier accepted the purchase order. If you accept the most recent revision, Purchasing removes the acceptance requirement and the acceptance date from your purchase order or release. Purchasing also deletes the corresponding notification from the Notifications Summary window if any late acceptance notification exists for this order.
7. Enter an Acceptance Type for the acceptance. You can define your own acceptance types, or use one of the following that Purchasing provides. See: Defining Lookup Codes.
Accepted All Terms - The supplier accepted all the terms of the purchase order.
On Schedule - The supplier agreed to meet the delivery dates on the purchase order.
Unacceptable Changes - The supplier made modifications to the terms of the purchase order that you do not find acceptable.
See Also
Entering Purchase Order Headers
Entering Release Headers