Profile Options in Purchasing
During implementation, you set a value for each user profile option to specify how Purchasing controls access to and processes data. The table below also indicates whether you (the "User") can view or update the profile option and at which System Administrator levels the profile options can be updated: at the user, responsibility, application, or site levels.
A "Required" profile option requires you to provide a value. An "Optional" profile option already provides a default value, so you only need to change it if you don't want to accept the default.
Generally, the system administrator sets and updates profile values. See: Setting User Profile Options.
| You can update the profile option.
| You can view the profile option value but you cannot change it.
Account Generator: Purge Runtime Data
| Optional
| Yes
MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set
| -
| Required if using sourcing rules
| none
MRP: Sourcing Rule Category Set
| Required if using sourcing rules
| none
PO: Allow Buyer Override in AutoCreate Find
| Optional
| Yes
PO: Allow Category Override in AutoCreate Find
| Optional
| Yes
PO: AutoCreate GL Date Option
| Optional
| AutoCreate Date
PO: Change Supplier Site
| -
| Optional
| none
PO: Default Supplier Item Catalog Option
| Optional
| Negotiated Sources
PO: Display AutoCreated Quotation
| Optional
| Yes
PO: Display the Autocreated Document
| Optional
| Yes
PO: Item Cross Reference Warning
| -
| Optional
| Disposition
PO: Legal Requisition Type
| -
| Optional
| Both
PO: Release During ReqImport
| Optional
| No
PO: Supplier Pricing Method
| Optional
| Last Price
PO: Warn if RFQ Required before AutoCreate
| Optional
| No
PO: Workflow Processing Mode
| Optional
| Background
RCV: Allow routing override
| -
| Optional
| No
RCV: Fail All ASN Lines if One Line Fails
| -
| Optional
| No
RCV: Print Receipt Traveler
| Optional
| No
RCV: Processing Mode
| Optional
| Online
Account Generator: Purge Runtime Data
Setting this profile option to Yes ensures that the Oracle Workflow data used to generate accounting flexfield code combinations using the Account Generator is purged after the Account Generator has completed.
This profile option should always be set to Yes unless you are debugging the Account Generator. It is recommended to set it to No temporarily at the User level. Running the Account Generator with this profile option set to No fills the workflow tables and slows performance.
MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set
This profile option indicates which sourcing rules assignment set will be used in Purchasing and Supplier Scheduling. Planning allows the user to use multiple Assignment Sets, but Purchasing looks at only a single Assignment Set. The value of this profile option should be the name of the Assignment Set used in Purchasing. This profile option must be set if the user is using sourcing rules in Purchasing.
MRP: Sourcing Rule Category Set
This profile needs to be set to display Category and Category-Organization assignments in the Assignments Sets form.
PO: Allow Buyer Override in AutoCreate Find
Yes or No indicates whether the suggested buyer (from the Enter Person window) defaulted into the Find Requisition Lines window can be cleared or overridden. The default is Yes.
PO: Allow Category Override in AutoCreate Find
Yes or No indicates whether the category (from the Buyers window) defaulted into the Find Requisition Lines window can be cleared or overridden.
PO: AutoCreate GL Date Option
Indicates the date used on purchase orders generated by AutoCreate:
AutoCreate Date
| The autocreate date is used as the purchase order date.
Requisition GL Date
| The GL date on the requisition distribution is used as the purchase order date.
PO: Change Supplier Site
Yes or No indicates whether users can change the supplier site on approved purchase orders.
PO: Default Supplier Item Catalog Option
Indicates the default source alternative region in the supplier item catalog: Negotiated Sources, Prior Purchases, Sourcing Rules, or Requisition Templates.
PO: Display AutoCreated Quotation
Controls the viewing of an autocreated quotation.
PO: Display the Autocreated Document
Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing opens the appropriate transaction window (Purchase Orders window or RFQs window) and displays the created line(s) when you autocreate a document.
PO: Item Cross Reference Warning
Indicates the Item Cross Reference Type that you want to use as a disposition warning message for requisitions.
PO: Legal Requisition Type
Indicates whether users can enter internal requisitions sourced from stock by means of an internal sales order, purchase requisitions sourced from a purchase order, or both types. Available values are Both, Internal, and Purchase.
PO: Release During ReqImport
Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing can automatically create releases during the Requisition Import process.
PO: Set Debug Workflow ON
This profile option should always be set to No.
PO: Supplier Pricing Method
Indicates the pricing method for lists of values in the Price field in purchase orders and requisitions:
Catalog Price
| Pricing is from quotations and blanket purchase agreements.
Last Price
| Pricing is from the price history.
PO: Warn if RFQ Required before AutoCreate
Yes or No indicates whether you are given a warning message and an opportunity to cancel autocreate if one or more of the requisition lines selected for inclusion requires an RFQ and has not been placed on an RFQ.
PO: Workflow Processing Mode
Affects the performance of the Purchasing approval workflow processes:
| Completes an entire approval workflow process before letting you proceed to the next activity, but provides you with an updated Status (for purchase orders) as soon as it finishes.
| Enables you to proceed to the next activity while the approval process completes in the background.
Whichever option you choose, you can always view the current status of a requisition or purchase order through the Requisitions Summary or Purchase Orders Summary windows.
The default value (if you don't provide one) is Background.
Note: When this profile option is set to Background, you must start the Workflow Background Process, which you access through the System Administrator responsibility. It is recommended that you set this process to run frequently, if you are using it for Background mode approvals. See: To Schedule Background Engines.
RCV: Allow routing override
Yes or No indicates whether the receiving routing assigned during requisition or purchase order entry can be overridden at receipt time.
RCV: Fail All ASN Lines if One Line Fails
If you choose Yes, you can reject an entire Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) if any ASN line fails validation or processing. If you choose No, then you can accept an ASN if at least one ASN line is successful.
RCV: Print Receipt Traveler
Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing automatically prints the receipt traveler when you perform a receipt or a receiving transaction, and when you match unordered receipts. You can always print receipt travelers from the Submit Requests window.
RCV: Processing Mode
Indicates the processing mode used after you save your work for receiving transactions:
| The transaction goes to the interface table, where it will be picked up the next time the Receiving Transaction Processor runs.
| The transaction goes to the interface table, and the Receiving Transaction Processor is called for the group of transactions that you entered since you last saved your work.
| The Receiving Transaction Processor is called directly.
See Also
Overview of User Profiles
Setting User Profile Options
Setting Your Personal User Profile
Common User Profile Options
Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library