Purchasing Documents Open Interface
The Purchasing Documents Open Interface receives price/sales catalog information and responses to requests for quotation (RFQs) electronically from suppliers in the form of blanket purchase agreement lines or catalog quotations. One way to import catalog data into the Purchasing Documents Open Interface, and finally into Purchasing, is through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). After the Oracle EDI Gateway imports the electronic catalog information, the Purchasing Documents Open Interface program validates the information before importing it into Purchasing.
The Purchasing Documents Open Interface can be run from within EDI when you choose Import Programs from the EDI menu and enter parameters. Or you can run this program separately, from within Purchasing, after you load the price/sales catalog data into the interface.
Report Submission
In the Submit Requests window, select Purchasing Documents Open Interface in the Name field.
Report Parameters
Default Buyer (Required)
Enter the default buyer name to be associated with the incoming documents.
Document Type (Required)
Valid options are Blanket and Quotation. The option of Blanket directs Purchasing to create a blanket agreement from the price/sales catalog or quotation to be imported. The option of Quotation directs Purchasing to create a catalog quotation for the information to be imported.
Document Sub Type (Optional)
Used with document type of "Quotation" to indicate a document sub type of "Catalog Quotation" for the Price/Sales Catalog or Response to RFQ to be imported. The document sub type of "Bid Quotation" is invalid for the transaction.
Create or Update Item (Required)
Used with the Price/Sales Catalog or Response to RFQ to indicate whether you wish to update the item master with catalog item changes or add catalog items to the item master.
Create Sourcing Rules (Required)
Indicate Yes or No on whether supplier sourcing rules should be created automatically during the Price/Sales Catalog and Response to RFQ import process.
Approval Status (Optional)
Enter desired status of Approved or Incomplete for the Blanket Agreements and Quotations to be created.
Release Generation Method (Optional)
Used when Document Type is set to Blanket and Create Sourcing Rules is set to Yes. Select from the following three blanket release methods:
Automatic Release/Review
| Allows Purchasing to automatically generate releases and forwards them for approval.
Release using Autocreate
| Allows you to use Autocreate to convert purchase requisitions into blanket releases for blanket purchase orders.
Automatic Release
| Allows Purchasing to automatically generate approved blanket releases for items that are autosourced to a single supplier.
Commit Interval (Required)
Enter a numeric value or accept the default value of 100 representing the number of records processed before committing the data to the database.
Batch ID (Optional)
Enter a valid batch ID which corresponds to the RUN ID in EDI Gateway.
See Also
Submitting a Request
Running the EDI Price/Sales Catalog Inbound Program
Running the EDI Response to Request for Quotation Inbound Program
Receiving Price/Sales Catalog Information Electronically