Entering Express Receipts
Use the Receipts window to enter express receipts.
To find source documents:
1. Navigate to the Find Expected Receipts window by selecting Receipts on the menu.
2. Enter search criteria to find the source documents for which you want to enter express receipts. You must include the supplier or organization in the source criteria.
To enter express receipts:
1. Select the Express button to open the Express Details window.
2. Select the Destination Type: Final Destination or Receiving location.
3. Select the OK button. This changes the Express button to Unexpress and selects all the lines for express receipt.
4. Optionally deselect individual lines to omit them from the express receipt.
5. Save your work to begin express receipt validation processing.
See Also
Express Receipts and Receiving Transactions
Finding Expected Receipts
Entering Receipt Lines