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Savings Analysis Report (by Buyer)

The Savings Analysis Report (By Buyer) shows buyer performance by purchase order.

The Negotiated Amount is the product of the price on the quotation and the quantity ordered. If a quote is not defined, Purchasing prints the product of the market price of the item ordered and the quantity ordered. If the market price is not defined, Purchasing uses the list price.

The report includes a price type Legend at the bottom of each page for the price type. If the line price type is Q, the line price was from the Quote. If the line price type is M, the line price was from Market Price, and if the line price type is L, the line price was from List Price.

The Actual Amount is the product of the actual price listed on the purchase order line and the quantity ordered.

The Amount Saved is the negotiated amount less the actual amount, with negative figures in parentheses.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Savings Analysis Report (By Buyer) in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Creation Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

PO Type Sort the report by buyer name and purchase order type.
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by buyer name and purchase order number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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