Mass Forwarding Documents
Use the Forward Documents window to forward all or selected documents awaiting approval from one approver to a new approver. This lets you keep your documents moving when the original approver of a document is unavailable.
To mass forward documents:
1. Select Forward Documents from the menu. Purchasing displays the Enter Approver modal window, where you must provide the name of the original Approver and select OK to display the Forward Documents window.
For each document available for forwarding, Purchasing displays the Forward Date, document Type, document Number, Currency, Amount, Status, From person, Note, document Description, document Owner, and Creation Date.
2. Select the documents you want to forward.
3. Enter the New Approver to whom you want to forward the selected documents.
To change the original approver:
- Select the Change Approver button to display the Enter Approver modal window, where you can change the original approver for whom the Forward Documents window displays documents available to be forwarded.
To view action history: