Defining Requisition Templates
Use the Requisition Templates window to define requisition templates. These templates automate requisitioning of commonly ordered items like office supplies. To create a requisition for office supplies, requestors in your organization simply use your template and enter the quantity of each item they want to order.
To create a template, you can specify the items individually or you can reference an existing requisition or purchase order. If you reference an existing document, Purchasing adds all lines on the document to the template. You can reference multiple documents to add all their lines to the same template.
After you define a template, you can reference the template in the Supplier Item Catalog. When you do so, Purchasing displays all template lines that are valid for the destination organization, and you can use any of these lines on your requisition. You can create requisitions with this template as long as the requisition creation date is before the template inactive date.
2. Enter the requisition Template name.
3. Enter a Description of the template.
4. Enter the Inactive Date after which you do not want any requestor to create a requisition from this template.
5. Enter the requisition Type: Internal or Purchase. In either case, you can enter individual requisition lines of either type.
2. Enter the Base Document Type: Purchase Order or Requisition.
3. Enter the base document Number from which you want to copy lines to the template.
4. Choose the OK button to copy all lines of the base document onto the template. You can choose the Cancel button to return to the Requisition Templates window without copying.
You can place lines from multiple documents onto the same requisition template.
1. Use the Lines region to manually add new lines to the template. You can also remove lines that you have copied from a base document, and you can change certain information in these lines.
2. Enter a Number in this field to identify the sequence of the line on your requisition. Purchasing provides default sequence numbers in increments of one.
3. Enter the line Type. You can enter or change information in this field only for new lines. The default is from the Purchasing Options window. See: Defining Default Options.
4. Enter the Item number. You can enter or change information in this field only for new lines.
5. For new lines only, you can enter the item Revision number.
6. If you entered an item, Purchasing displays the purchasing Category, and you cannot change it. Otherwise, you must enter a purchasing category.
7. Purchasing displays the item Description from the document you selected in the Base Document Number field. If you are entering a new line, the description is from the item master. You can change the description only if this attribute is active for the item.
8. The Source type determines the source of the requisitioned items. The choice you have in this field is dependent on your user profile options and the system profile options. At either level, you may be restricted to one of the following options: Inventory or Supplier.
Note that if you have both options, you can source requisition lines independently of the requisition type. You can even mix inventory and supplier sourced requisition lines in the same requisition. Purchasing creates one internal sales order for each inventory source type requisition line on this requisition. The supplier source type requisition lines go onto purchase orders, either automatically with AutoCreate Documents or manually with the Purchase Orders window.
9. Enter the default unit of measure.
10. For supplier sourced lines, you can enter the unit price, and this price is used in the Requisitions window. For inventory sourced lines, the cursor does not enter this field, and the price in the Requisitions window is the actual cost from inventory.
You can enter sourcing information for the current line in the lower part of the screen.
1. For supplier source type lines, you can enter the name of the Buyer to whom you want to assign the requisition line. The buyers can query requisition lines that you assign to them when they AutoCreate purchase orders.
2. For supplier source type lines, you can select RFQ Required to indicate that you want to require an RFQ before the buyer can create a purchase order for the requisition. Purchasing displays a warning message if you try to create a purchase order without a required RFQ.
3. For supplier source type lines, you can enter a suggested Supplier for your requisition items. You can choose a supplier from the list of available suppliers. Alternatively, you can suggest a new supplier by entering the name of the supplier directly.
4. For supplier source type lines, you can enter the supplier Site. You can enter this field only if you provide a suggested supplier name. You can choose a supplier site from the list of values. Alternatively, you can enter a new site directly.
5. For supplier source type lines, you can enter the name of your Contact at the supplier site.
6. For supplier source type lines, you can enter the Supplier Item number.
7. For inventory source type lines, you can specify the source Organization.
8. For inventory source type lines, you can optionally specify the Subinventory source. If you do so, Oracle Order Entry uses only the specified subinventory for allocation. If the goods do not exist at the specified subinventory, Purchasing backorders them, even if they do exist in another subinventory.
See Also
Supplier Item Catalog Overview