Finding Requisitions
Use the Find Requisitions window to:
- Access the Requisitions window.
- Perform requisition inquiries at header, line, and distribution levels
Depending on the function security assigned to your responsibility, you have varying levels of access to information. A responsibility defines an application user's current privileges while working with Oracle Applications.
See Also
Overview of Function Security
Function Security for Purchasing
To enter search criteria:
2. Enter the requisition number. If you enter a requisition number, you can also enter a Line number.
3. Select the requisition Type (Purchase or Internal).
7. Select Yes or No to restrict the search to Modified requisitions.
8. Enter the Reference Number.
9. Enter the Import Source.
11. Use the alternative regions to further restrict the search:
- In the Item region, you can enter the following search criteria: Item number, Revision number, Category, item Description, and Supplier Item number.
- In the Status region, you can limit the search by Approval status (Approved, Incomplete, In Process, Pre-Approved, Rejected, or Returned), Control status (Open, Cancelled, or Finally Closed), or Reserved status (Yes or No).
- In the Date Ranges region, you can enter date ranges for the following dates: Creation, Need By, and Closed.
- In the Sourcing region, you can limit the search by Source (Supplier or Inventory). For Supplier sourced requisitions, you can further limit the search by Supplier, Site, and Currency. For Inventory sourced requisitions, you can further limit the search by Organization and Subinventory.
- In the Deliver To region, you can limit the search by Destination Type (Expense, Inventory, or Shop Floor), Organization, Location, and (for Inventory destinations only) Subinventory.
- In the Related Documents region, you can limit the search by Document Type, Document number and Line Number, Purchase Order number, and Sales Order number.
- In the Accounting region, you can limit the search by Period, GL Date, Charge Account, Budget Account, and whether there are Active Encumbrances (Yes or No).
12. Select the Results group (Headers, Lines, or Distributions) to determine which summary window to open. Depending on the search criteria you have specified, all summary windows may not be available. For example, if you specify criteria in the Accounting region, only the Distributions summary window is available.
13. Select the Find button to initiate the search and open the appropriate Summary window.
To clear existing search criteria:
- Select the Clear button to clear any existing search criteria.
To enter a new requisition:
See Also
Using the Requisition Headers Summary Window
Using the Requisition Lines Summary Window
Using the Requisition Distributions Summary Window