- ABC classification
- A method of classifying items in decreasing order of importance, such as annual dollar volume or your company's transaction history.
- absorption account
- The offset or contra account for any cost charged to your inventory or work in process value. For example, when you perform a purchase order receipt and the item has a material overhead rate, you debit your inventory valuation account and credit your material overhead absorption account for the material overhead cost. You have "absorbed" expenses from your general ledger accounts into your inventory. At the month-end, you compare your absorption accounts against expenses incurred in your general ledger and write the difference off to your income statements.
- accepted quantity
- The quantity of inventory items received from a customer, based on a return authorization for which you credit the customer. See also received quantity.
- account
- See accounting flexfield
- account alias
- An easily recognized name or label representing an account charged on miscellaneous transactions. You may view, report, and reserve against an account alias.
- accounting class
- See WIP accounting class
- accounting flexfield
- A feature used to define your account coding for accounting distributions. For example, this structure can correspond to your company, budget account, and project account numbers. For simplicity, Inventory and Oracle Manufacturing use the term account to refer to the accounting flexfield.
- accounting flexfield limit
- The maximum amount you authorize an employee to approve for a particular range of accounting flexfields.
- accounting period
- The fiscal period a company uses to report financial results, such as a calendar month or fiscal period.
- accounting rule start date
- The date Oracle Receivables uses for the first accounting entry it creates when you use an accounting rule to recognize revenue.
- accounting rules
- Rules that Oracle Receivables AutoInvoice uses to specify revenue recognition schedules for transactions. You can define an accounting rule where revenue is recognized over a fixed or variable period of time. For example, you can define a fixed duration accounting rule with monthly revenue recognition for a period of 12 months.
- accounts payable accrual account
- The account used to accrue payable liabilities when you receive your items. Always used for inventory and outside processing purchases. You can also accrue expenses at the time of receipt. Used by Purchasing and Inventory, the accounts payable account represents your non-invoiced receipts, and is included in your month end accounts payable liability balance. This account balance is cleared when the invoice is matched in Payables.
- accumulate available
- An option used to calculate ATP information where available quantity of an item is carried from one ATP period to the next.
- action result
- A possible outcome of an order cycle action. You can assign any number of results to a cycle action. Combinations of actions/results are used as order cycle action prerequisites. See also order cycle, cycle action.
- active schedule
- A schedule currently running on a production line. A schedule can be active past its scheduled completion date or before its scheduled start date.
- activity
- A business action or task which uses a resource or incurs a cost.
- adjustment tolerance
- Determines when Inventory does not make a cycle count adjustment. Inventory does not make an adjustment if your physical count differs from the on-hand inventory quantity by less than the specified tolerance. You define adjustment tolerance when you define an item.
- agreement
- agreement type
- alert input
- A parameter that determines the exact definition of an alert condition. You can set the input to different values depending upon when and to whom you are sending the alert. For example, an alert testing for users to change their passwords uses the number of days between password changes as an input. Oracle Alert does not require inputs when you define an alert.
- alert output
- A value that changes based on the outcome at the time Oracle Alert checks the alert condition. Oracle Alert uses outputs in the message sent to the alert recipient, although you do not have to display all outputs in the alert message.
- alpha smoothing factor
- A value between 0 and 1 used in statistical forecasting calculations for smoothing demand fluctuations. Inventory uses the factor to determine how much weight to give to current demand when calculating a forecast.
- alternate bill of material
- An alternate list of component items you can use to produce an assembly.
- alternate routing
- An alternate manufacturing process you can use to produce an assembly.
- alternate unit of measure
- All other units of measure defined for an item, excluding the primary unit of measure.
- annual carrying cost
- Cost of carrying inventory, defined as a percent of the dollar value of inventory per year.
- American National Standards Institute which establishes national standards for the United States. The parent organization for X12 and also serves as the North American representative to ISO (International Standards Organization).
- approval action
- A cycle action you can define in your order cycle to require explicit approval of an order or order line before it progresses further through the order cycle. You can define an approval step at the order or order line level. When you define an approval step, you must approve all orders or order lines using that order cycle, depending on the approval step level. You can also use approvals in order cycles for returns (RMAs). See also configure-to-order.
- approval tolerance
- Determines when Inventory automatically makes a cycle count adjustment or holds adjustments for approval. You specify this as a percentage of quantity or value.
- ASC X12
- Accredited Standards Committee X12 group. This group is accredited by ANSI and maintains and develops the EDI standards for the United States and Canada.
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard file format used for transmission and storage. ASCII is a seven-bit code with an eighth bit used for parity.
- assemble-to-order (ATO)
- An environment where you open a final assembly order to assemble items that customers order. Assemble-to-order is also an item attribute that you can apply to standard, model, and option class items.
- assemble-to-order (ATO) item
- An item you make in response to a customer order.
- assemble-to-order (ATO) model
- A configuration you make in response to a customer order that includes optional items.
- assembly
- An item that has a bill of material. You can purchase or manufacture an assembly item. See also assemble-to-order, bill of material.
- assembly completion pull transaction
- A material transaction where you backflush components from inventory to work in process as you complete the operation where the component is consumed. See operation completion pull transaction.
- assembly completion transaction
- A material transaction where you receive assemblies into inventory from a job or schedule upon completion of the manufacture of the assembly.
- assembly move completion transaction
- A move transaction that completes assemblies into inventory.
- assembly scrap transaction
- A move transaction where you charge a scrap account as you move assemblies into a Scrap intraoperation step. This reduces the value of your discrete job.
- assembly UOM item
- A purchasing item associated with an outside resource that you purchase using the assembly's unit of measure. The assembly's unit of measure should be the same as the purchasing item's unit of measure.
- asset item
- Anything you make, purchase, or sell including components, subassemblies, finished products, or supplies which carries a cost and is valued in your asset subinventories.
- asset subinventory
- Subdivision of an organization, representing either a physical area or a logical grouping of items, such as a storeroom where quantity balances are maintained for all items and values are maintained for asset items.
- assigned units
- The number of resource units assigned to work at an operation in a routing. For example, if you have 10 units of machine resource available at a department, you can assign up to 10 of these units to an operation in a routing. The more units you assign, the less elapsed time Work in Process schedules for the operation.
- See assemble-to-order.
- ATO item
- See assemble-to-order item.
- ATO model
- See assemble-to-order model.
- See available to promise.
- See available to reserve.
- AutoAccounting
- .
- autocharge
- A method of charging a discrete job or repetitive schedule for the resources consumed at an operation.
- AutoInvoice A program that imports invoices, credit memos, and on account credits from other systems to Oracle Receivables.
- Automated Clearing House (ACH)
- A nationwide network operated by the Federal Reserve used to connect banks together for the electronic transfer of funds.
- automatic note
- A standard note to which you assign addition rules so it can be applied automatically to orders, returns, order lines, and return lines. See also one-time note, standard note.
- automatic sourcing
- A Purchasing feature which allows you to specify for predefined items a list of approved suppliers and to associate source documents for these suppliers. When you create a requisition or purchase order line for the item, Purchasing automatically provides appropriate pricing for the specified quantity based on the top-ranked open source document for the supplier with the highest percentage allocation.
- autorelease
- To automatically release the next available repetitive schedule upon completion of the current repetitive schedule.
- Available To Promise (ATP)
- The quantity of current on-hand stock, outstanding receipts and planned production which has not been committed through a reservation or placing demand. In Oracle Inventory, you define the types of supply and demand that should be included in your ATP calculation.
- available to promise quantity
- See available to promise (ATP)
- available-to-promise rule
- A set of Yes/No options for various entities that the user enters in Oracle Inventory. The combination of the various entities are used to define what is considered supply and demand when calculating available to promise quantity.
- Available To Reserve (ATR)
- The quantity of on-hand stock available for reservation. It is the current on-hand stock less any reserved stock.
- Available To Transact (ATT)
- Quantity on hand less all reservations for the item which may be transferred within or out of inventory.
- average costing
- A costing method which can be used to cost transactions in both inventory only and manufacturing (inventory and work in process) environments. As you perform transactions, the system uses the transaction price or cost and automatically recalculates the average unit cost of your items.
- average cost variance
- A variance account used to hold amounts generated when on-hand inventory quantity is negative and the unit cost of a subsequent receipt is different from the current unit cost.
- backflush operation
- A routing operation where you backflush component items.
- backflush transaction
- A material transaction that automatically issues component items into work in process from inventory when you move or complete the assembly. Also known as post-deduct or pull. See pull transaction
- backorder
- An unfulfilled customer order or commitment. Oracle Order Entry allows you to create backorders automatically or manually from released order lines. See also Pick Release.
- backordered lines
Unfulfilled order line details which have failed to be released at least once by Pick Release or have been backordered by Ship Confirm.
- backward consumption days
- A number of days backwards from the current date used for consuming and loading forecasts. Consumption of a forecast occurs in the current bucket and as far back as the backward consumption days. If the backward consumption days enters another bucket, the forecast also consumes anywhere in that bucket. When loading a forecast, only forecasts of the current date minus the backward consumption days are loaded. Therefore, you can use backward consumption days to load forecasts that are past due.
- backward scheduling
- A scheduling technique where you specify a production end date and Oracle Manufacturing calculates a production start date based on detailed scheduling or repetitive line scheduling.
- balancing segment
- bankers automated clearing system (BACS)
- The standard format of electronic funds transfer used in the United Kingdom.
- base model
- The model item from which a configuration item was created.
- batch sources
- A source you define in Oracle Receivables to identify where your invoicing activity originates. The batch source also controls invoice defaults and invoice numbering. Also known as invoice batch sources.
- best discount
- The most advantageous discount for the customer. For example, suppose you have a customer discount of 15% and a item discount of 25% for Product B. If you enter an order line for the customer for Product A, the line is discounted 15%. If you enter an order line for the customer for product B, the line is discounted 25%.
- bill of lading
- A carrier's contract and receipt of goods transported from one location to another.
- bill of material
- A list of component items associated with a parent item and information about how each item relates to the parent item. Oracle Manufacturing supports standard, model, option class, and planning bills. The item information on a bill depends on the item type and bill type. The most common type of bill is a standard bill of material. A standard bill of material lists the components associated with a product or subassembly. It specifies the required quantity for each component plus other information to control work in process, material planning, and other Oracle Manufacturing functions. Also known as product structures.
- bill revision
- A specific version of an item which specifies the components that are active for a date range.
- bill-to address
- The customer's billing address. It is also known as invoice-to address. It is used as a level of detail when defining a forecast. If a forecast has a bill-to address associated with it, a sales order only consumes that forecast if the bill-to address is the same.
- bill/routing reference
- A bill or routing you assign to non-standard discrete jobs. You use the bill reference to create the material requirements for the job. You use the routing reference to create the routing for the job.
- blanket purchase agreement
- A type of purchase order you issue before you request actual delivery of goods or services. You normally create a blanket purchase agreement to document a long-term supplier agreement. A blanket purchase agreement may contain an effective date and an expiration date, a committed amount, or quantity. You use a blanket purchase agreement as a tool for specifying agreed prices and delivery dates for goods and services before ordering them.
- blanket purchase order
- See blanket purchase agreement
- blanket release
- An actual order of goods and services against a blanket purchase agreement. The blanket purchase agreement determines the characteristics and prices of the items. The blanket release specifies actual quantities and dates ordered for the items. You identify a blanket release by the combination of the blanket purchase agreement number and the release number.
- BOM item type
- An item classification that determines the items you can use as components in a bill of material. BOM Item types include standard, model, option class, and planning items.
- booking
- An action on an order signifying that the order has all the necessary information to be a firm order and be processed through its order cycle.
- bucket days
- The number of workdays within a repetitive planning period.
- build sequence
- The sequence of jobs within a schedule group. For example, you can use sequences to prioritize all jobs on a specific production line by customer. Similarly, you can use sequences to insure that jobs are built in reverse departure order thus facilitating truck loading. See also schedule group
- bulk items
- Component items on a bill of material not usually transacted directly to the job or repetitive schedule. Bulk items are usually charged to the work in process department where the item is consumed.
- bulk requirement
- See bulk items
- business application
- Software that performs a particular business function or group of functions (accounts payable, for example).
- business document
- A document used for conducting business between two trading partners -- a purchase order or invoice, for example.
- business purpose
- The function a particular customer location serves. For example, you would assign the business purpose of Ship To an address if you ship to that address. If you also send invoices to that address, you could also assign the business purpose Bill To. Each customer location must serve at least one function.
- buyer
- Person responsible for placing item resupply orders with suppliers and negotiating supplier contracts.
- by-product
- Material produced as a residual of a production process. Represented by negative usage in the bill of material for an assembly.
- calendar type
- The period pattern used to define a manufacturing calendar.
- cancellation code
- A reason that justifies the cancellation of an order or order line. To cancel an order you must enter a cancellation code to record why the customer wants to nullify the order or order line.
- cancelled job
- A discrete job you no longer want to work on. You cannot make transactions, move assemblies, or apply or update costs.
- cancelled schedule
- A repetitive schedule you no longer want to work on. You cannot make transactions, move assemblies, or apply costs.
- capacity modification
- Deviation to available resources for a specific department shift.
- capacity requirements planning
- A time-phased plan comparing required capacity to available capacity, based on a material requirements plan and department/resource information. See routing-based capacity and rate-based capacity
- capacity units
- The number of units of a resource available in a department. For example, the number of machines.
- capital project A project in which you build one or more depreciable fixed assets.
- carrier
- See freight carrier.
- category
- Code used to group items with similar characteristics, such as plastics, metals, or glass items.
- category set
- A feature in Inventory where users may define their own group of categories. Typical category sets include purchasing, materials, costing, and planning.
- charge type
- See autocharge
- closed job
- A discrete job that is unavailable for charges or any type of transaction. Closing a job calculates final costs and variances and creates history for the job.
- closed order
- An order and its order lines that have completed all actions of the order cycle and on which the Close Orders program has been run.
- COGS Account
- See Cost of Goods Sold Account.
- combination of segment values
- A combination of segment values uniquely describes the information stored in a field made up of segments. A different combination of segment values results when you change the value of one or more segments. When you alter the combination of segment values, you alter the description of the information stored in the field.
- commitment
- common bill of material
- An assembly that uses the bill of material of another assembly as its bill. This enables you to reduce your maintenance effort by sharing the same bill structure among two or more assemblies. For example, if you have identical bills of material that produce the same product in two different organizations, you can define common bills of material for the identical structures.
- common locator
- .A locator without a project or project and task reference. See also project locator
- common routing
- A routing that uses the routing of another assembly as its routing. This enables you to reduce your maintenance effort by sharing the same routing and operations for two or more assemblies.
- common subinventory
- Subinventory that does not have a project reference into which items can be delivered and out of which items can be issued and transferred.
- completed assembly
- An assembly you built on a discrete job or repetitive schedule and received into inventory.
- completed job
- A discrete job whose quantity planned equals the number of assemblies actually completed.
- completed schedule
- A repetitive schedule whose number of assemblies planned equals the number of assemblies actually completed.
- completion date
- The date you plan to complete production of the assemblies in a discrete job.
- completion locator
- An inventory location within a completion subinventory where you receive completed assemblies from work in process.
- completion subinventory
- An inventory location at the end of your production line where you receive completed assemblies from work in process. Often this is the supply subinventory for subassemblies or finished goods inventories for final assemblies.
- component demand
- Demand passed down from a parent assembly to a component.
- component item
- An item associated with a parent item on a bill of material.
- component yield
- The percent of the amount of a component you want to issue to build an assembly that actually becomes part of that assembly. Or, the amount of a component you require to build plus the amount of the component you lose or waste while building an assembly. For example, a yield factor of 0.90 means that only 90% of the usage quantity of the component on a bill actually becomes part of the finished assembly.
- concurrent manager
- Components of your applications concurrent processing facility that monitor and run time-consuming tasks for you without tying up your terminal. Whenever you submit a request, such as running a report, a concurrent manager does the work for you, letting you perform many tasks simultaneously.
- concurrent process
- A task in the process of completing. Each time you submit a task, you create a new concurrent process. A concurrent process runs simultaneously with other concurrent processes (and other activities on your computer) to help you complete multiple tasks at once with no interruptions to your terminal.
- concurrent queue
- A list of concurrent requests awaiting completion by a concurrent manager. Each concurrent manager has a queue of requests waiting in line. If your system administrator sets up simultaneous queuing, your request can wait to run in more than one queue.
- concurrent request
- A request to complete a task for you. You issue a request whenever you submit a task, such as running a report. Once you submit a task, the concurrent manager automatically takes over for you, completing your request without further involvement from you, or interruption to your work. Concurrent managers process your request according to when you submit the request and the priority you assign to your request. If you do not assign a priority to your request, your application prioritizes the request for you.
- configuration
- A product a customer orders by choosing a base model and a list of options. It can be shipped as individual pieces as a set (kit) or as an assembly (configuration item).
- configuration bill of material
- The bill of material for a configuration item.
- configuration item
- The item that corresponds to a base model and a specific list of options. Bills of Material creates a configuration item for assemble-to-order models.
- configuration variance
- For Work in Process, this quantity variance is the difference between the standard components required per the standard bill of material and the standard components required per the work in process bill of material. Currently, this variance is included with the material usage variance.
- configurator
- A form that allows you to choose options available for a particular model, thus defining a particular configuration for the model.
- configure-to-order
- An environment where you enter customer orders by choosing a base model and then selecting options from a list of choices.
- consume shortage backward
- An option used to calculate ATP information by using surplus quantity from prior periods to cover a period shortage.
- consume shortage forward
- An option used to calculate ATP information by using surplus quantity from future ATP periods to cover a period shortage.
- contact
- A representative responsible for communication between you and a specific part of your customer's agency. For example, your customer may have a shipping contact person who handles all questions regarding orders sent to that address.
The contact's responsibility is the contact role.
- contact role A responsibility you associate to a specific contact. Oracle Automotive provides 'Bill To', 'Ship To', and 'Statements,' but you can enter additional responsibilities.
- container
The receptacle (box, tank, etc.) in which items to be shipped are placed.
- A question or prompt to which a user enters a response, called a context field value. When Oracle Applications displays a descriptive flexfield pop-up window, it displays your context field prompt after it displays any global segments you have defined. Each descriptive flexfield can have up to one context prompt.
- context field value
- A response to your context field prompt. Your response is composed of a series of characters and a description. The response and description together provide a unique value for your context prompt, such as 1500, Journal Batch ID, or 2000, Budget Formula Batch ID. The context field value determines which additional descriptive flexfield segments appear.
- context response
- See context field value.
- context segment value
- A response to your context-sensitive segment. The response is composed of a series of characters and a description. The response and description together provide a unique value for your context-sensitive segment, such as Redwood Shores, Oracle Corporation Headquarters, or Minneapolis, Merrill Aviation's Hub.
- context-sensitive segment
- A descriptive flexfield segment that appears in a second pop-up window when you enter a response to your context field prompt. For each context response, you can define multiple context segments, and you control the sequence of the context segments in the second pop-up window. Each context-sensitive segment typically prompts you for one item of information related to your context response.
- conversion
- Converts foreign currency transactions to your functional currency.
- corporate exchange rate
- An exchange rate you can optionally use to perform foreign currency conversion. The corporate exchange rate is usually a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.
- cost element
- A classification for the cost of an item. Oracle Manufacturing supports five cost elements: material, material overhead, resource, outside processing, and overhead.
- cost group
- An attribute of a project which allows the system to hold item unit costs at a level below the inventory organization. Within an organization, an item may have more than one cost if it belongs to multiple cost groups. Item costing can be specific to a single project if each project has a distinct cost group, or specific to a group of projects if all projects in that group are assigned to the same cost group.
- cost transaction
- The financial effect of your material, resource, overhead, job and period close, and cost update activities. For example, each material quantity transaction may have several cost accounting entries, and each accounting entry is a cost transaction.
- Cost of Goods Sold Account
- The general ledger account number affected by receipts, issuances and shipments of an inventory item. Oracle Order Entry allows dynamic creation of this account number for shipments recording using the OE Account Generator item type in Oracle Workflow. See also Account Generator.
- cost type
- A set of costs for items, activities, resources, outside processing, and overheads. You may have unlimited cost types for each organization, but only one is used to record cost transactions. The Frozen Standard cost type is used for standard costing; the Average Costs type is used for Average costing. Others could be defined for simulation or temporary purposes.
- cost variance
- The difference between the actual and expected cost. Oracle Manufacturing and Payables supports the following cost variances: invoice price, resource rate, and standard cost variances.
- count point operation
- A default operation to move to and from where you record move and charge resource transactions. Also known as pay point.
- credit check
- An Oracle Order Entry feature that automatically checks a customer order total against predefined order and total order limits. If an order exceeds the limit, Oracle Order Entry places the order on hold for review by your finance group. See also credit profile class, credit check rule.
- credit check rule
- A rule that defines the components used to calculate a customer's outstanding credit balance. Components include open receivables, uninvoiced orders, and orders on hold. You can include or exclude components in the equation to derive credit balances consistent with your company's credit policies.
- credit memo
- A document that partially or fully reverses an original invoice.
- credit memo reasons
- Standard explanations as to why you credit your customers.
- critical path
- The series of operation start and completion dates and times that result from the detailed scheduling algorithm.
- cross reference
- A user-defined link from an item number to another piece of information.
- cumulative manufacturing lead time
- The total time required to make an item if you had all raw materials in stock but had to make all subassemblies level by level. Bills of Material automatically calculates this value. Purchased items have no cumulative manufacturing lead time.
- cumulative total lead time
- The total time required to make an item if no inventory existed and you had to order all the raw materials and make all subassemblies level by level. Bills of Material automatically calculates this value.
- current average cost
- The current weighted average cost per unit of an item before a transaction is processed. See new average cost.
- current on-hand quantity
- Total quantity of the item on-hand before a transaction is processed.
- current date
- The present system date.
- customer address
- A location where your customer can be reached. A customer may have many addresses. You can also associate business purposes with addresses. Also known as customer location. See also customer site.
- customer agreement
- See agreement.
- customer agreement type
- See agreement type.
- customer bank
- A bank account you define when entering customer information to allow funds to be transferred from these accounts to your remittance bank accounts as payment for goods or services provided. See also remittance bank.
- customer business purpose
- See business purpose.
- customer class
- A method to classify your customers by their business type, size, or location. You can create an unlimited number of customer classes.
- customer family agreement
- An agreement for a specific customer, available to any related customer. See also agreement, generic agreement.
- customer interface A program that transfers customer data from foreign systems into Oracle Receivables.
- customer interface tables
- A series of two Oracle Receivables tables from which Customer Interface inserts and updates valid customer data into your customer database.
- Customer/Item model Allows you to define specific attributes for items per customer class, customer and ship-to/bill-to location. The loading order forward/reverse - inverted/non-inverted is an example of this attribute.
- customer merge
A program that merges business purposes and all transactions associated to that business purpose for different sites of the same customer or for unrelated customers.
- customer phone
- A phone number associated with a customer. You can also assign phone numbers to your contacts.
- customer product line number
A customer (trading partner) may have several production lines at their manufacturing facility. The production line number identifies a specific production line, where goods should be delivered to as per the customers specifications.
- customer production sequence number A customer (trading partner) may have a particular sequence in which items are built into an assembly. For example, the customer may specify that the front axle of a car has a production sequence 45 assigned to it, while the production sequence of the rear axle is 46. See also loading order sequence, planning production sequence number.
- customer profile
- A method used to categorize customers based on credit information. Oracle Receivables uses credit profiles to assign statement cycles, dunning letter cycles, salespersons, and collectors to your customers. You can also decide whether you want to charge your customers interest. Oracle Order Entry uses the order and total order limits when performing credit checking.
- customer profile class
- A category for your customers based on credit information, payment terms, currency limits and correspondence types.
- customer relationship
- An association that exists between customers that allows you to share agreements and bill-to and ship-to addresses.
- customer status
- The Active/Inactive flag you use to deactivate customers with whom you no longer do business. In Oracle Order Entry, you can only enter orders, agreements, and returns for active customers, but you can continue to process returns for inactive customers. In Receivables, you can only create invoices for active customers, but you can continue collections activities for inactive customers.
- cutoff date
- An indication of the last date to be included in a plan or horizon.
- cycle action
- A cycle action is a discrete event that can occur one or more times during the life of an order. Actions can occur at the order level (where all lines on the order are processed together), such as credit or legal reviews. Actions can also occur at the line level (where each line can be processed independently), such as shipping confirmation or backordering. Oracle Order Entry uses actions to identify each step in your order cycle. See also action result, order cycle.
- cycle counting
- An inventory accuracy analysis technique where inventory is counted on a cyclic schedule rather than once a year.
- daily line capacity
- The daily production rate of assemblies on a production line. This is equal to the line speed (in hours) times the line production hours.
- daily quantity
- See daily rate
- daily rate
- The number of completed assemblies a repetitive schedule plans to produce per day. Also known as production rate. See repetitive rate
- days off
- The number of consecutive days off a shift has before a day on.
- days on
- The number of consecutive days that a shift works before a day off.
- default value
- Information Oracle Order Entry automatically enters depending on other information you enter. See also standard value.
- delete entity
- An item, bill of material or routing you choose to delete.
- delete group
- A set of items, bills, and routings you choose to delete.
- delete subentity
- A component or operation you choose to delete.
- deletion constraint
- A business rule that restricts the entities you can delete. A deletion constraint is a test that must succeed before an item, bill, or routing can be deleted.
- delivery A set of order lines to be shipped to a customer's ship-to location on a given date in a given vehicle. Multiple deliveries can be grouped into a single departure. A single delivery may include items from different sales orders and may include backorders as well as regular orders.
- delivery line
A shippable and booked line from the planning pool which has been allocated to a delivery. After allocation, the line is no longer available in the planning pool. After the delivery is closed, the delivery line will also be considered closed.
- demand
- Projected inventory issue transactions against an item. For Order Entry, it is an action you take to communicate current or future product needs to manufacturing.
- demand class
- A classification of demand to allow the master scheduler to track and consume different types of demand. A demand class may represent a particular grouping of customers, such as government and commercial customers. Demand classes may also represent different sources of demand, such as retail, mail order, and wholesale.
- demand history
- Historical inventory issue transactions against an item.
- demand interface
- A data collection point that collects and stores all sales order demand and reservation information.
- demand management
- The function of recognizing and managing all demands for products, to ensure the master scheduler is aware of them. This encompasses forecasting, order entry, order promising (available to promise), branch warehouse requirements, and other sources of demand.
- department
- An area within your organization that consists of one or more people, machines, or suppliers. You can also assign and update resources to a department.
- department class
- A group of departments.
- departure
A set of order lines that will be shipped in a specific vehicle on a given date/time. The departure may include multiple deliveries if items being shipped are destined for different customers or customer ship-to locations.
- departure order
- The order of jobs within a schedule group. Jobs are normally sequenced within a schedule group in the order that they must be loaded onto the truck for shipment. See also schedule group and
- departure planned lines
Scheduled delivery lines that have been planned for a specific departure.
- departure planning The process of planning the necessary vehicles and grouping the scheduled shipments that will be included in a given departure. Planning the departure requires consideration of vehicle load capacities, container capacities and, in the case of 866 (sequenced) transactions, the loading order required to satisfy the customer's specified unload order.
- departure planning mandatory
A flag that indicates whether a scheduled shipment line must be departure planned before it can be pick released. The value of this flag is set for the customer/item. Also known as planning mandatory.
- departure planning pool All of the scheduled shipment lines available to be departure planned. These include scheduled shipment lines that have not been shipped and are not currently part of a planned departure. Also known as planning pool.
- Departure Planning Workbench (DPW)
Related windows that manage departures and deliveries. These integrated forms are presented to the user as a workbench.
- destination organization
- An inventory organization that receives item shipments from a given organization.
- detailed scheduling
- A method of scheduling production that considers minute to minute resource availability information as well as exact resource requirements from routings.
- disable date
- A date when an Oracle Manufacturing function is no longer available for use. For example, this could be the date on which a bill of material component or routing operation is no longer active, or the date a forecast or master schedule is no longer valid.
- discount
- A reduction of the list price of an item. In Oracle Order Entry, you can associate discounts with price lists and apply them either automatically or manually to an order or order line.
- discrete job
- A production order for the manufacture of a specific (discrete) quantity of an assembly, using specific materials and resources, in a limited time. A discrete job collects the costs of production and allows you to report those costs--including variances--by job. Also known as work order or assembly order.
- discrete manufacturing
- A manufacturing environment where you build assemblies in discrete jobs or batches. Different from a repetitive production environment where you build assemblies on production or assembly lines at a daily rate.
- dispatch report
- A report that prioritizes planned production work based on operation schedule dates and times.
- distribution account
- An account where you record material, material overhead, resource, outside processing, and overhead charges incurred by a discrete job or repetitive assembly. In a standard costing system, this is where you record your standard costs.
- document sets
- A grouping of shipping documents you can run from the Confirm Shipments window.
- drop shipment
- A method of fulfilling sales orders by selling products without handling, stocking, or delivering them. The selling company buys a product from a supplier and has the supplier ship the product directly to customers.
- dunning letters
A letter you send to your customers to inform them of past due debit items. Oracle Receivables lets you specify the text and format of each letter. You can choose to include unapplied and on-account payments.
- dynamic lead time offsetting
- A scheduling method that quickly estimates the start date of an order, operation, or resource. Dynamic lead time offsetting schedules using the organization workday calendar.
- dynamically defined serial number
- Creating and assigning serial numbers as you need them, instead of creating serial numbers before their assignment.
- earned discounts Discounts your customers are allowed to take if they pay for their invoices on or before the discount date. Oracle Automotive takes into account any discount grace days you assign to this customer's credit profile. For example, if the discount due date is the 15th of each month, but discount grace days is 5, your customer must pay on or before the 20th to receive the earned discount. Discounts are determined by the terms you assign to an invoice during invoice entry. Oracle Automotive differentiates between earned and unearned discounts. An earned discount is a discount you give to a customer who pays on or before the discount date or within the discount grace period. For example, a customer may earn a 2% discount off the original invoice if payment is received within 10 days. Oracle Automotive lets you decide whether to allow unearned discounts. If you allow unearned discounts, Oracle Automotive lets you give a customer the unearned discount if the customer pays after the discount date or after the discount grace day period. Oracle Automotive defaults the discount taken to zero if the discount is unearned. If the discount is earned, Oracle Automotive defaults discount taken to the amount of the earned discount. Oracle Automotive lets you override the discount taken amount during payment entry and warns you if you are taking an unearned discount.
- See Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Trade is the current acronym for standards developed within Working Party 4. See also WP4
- effective date
- Date when an Oracle Manufacturing function is available for use. For example, this could be the date a bill of material component or routing operation becomes effective, or the date you anticipate revised item changes become part of a bill of material and can no longer be controlled by an ECO.
- efficiency
- A productivity measure that focuses on actual performance against a standard. Expressed in a percentage figure, it is calculated by dividing actual resource time charged to a task by the standard resource requirements for the same task.
- efficiency variance
- A quantity variance defined as the difference between the amount of a resource (typically in hours) required at standard and the actual amount used to manufacture an assembly.
- elapsed time
- The clock time between start and completion. For example, if the build time of a resource is 10 hours, but you only schedule 5 hours of work a day, the elapsed time is 29 hours.
- electronic commerce
- Conducting business via an electronic medium. This includes methods of exchanging business information electronically, such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), FAX, email, and eforms.
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Exchanging business documents electronically between trading partners. EDI subscribes to standard formats for conducting these electronic transactions as stated by various standards.
- electronic funds transfer
- A method of payment in which your bank transfers funds electronically from your bank account into another bank account. In Oracle Payables, funds are transferred from your account into that of a supplier. This information is sent to the bank in a file.
- elemental variance
- A work in process variance between the standard of an assembly and the actual charges to a standard job or repetitive schedule distributed by cost element.
- encumbrance
- See purchase order encumbrance.
- encumbrance type
- An encumbrance category that allows you to track your expenditures according to your purchase approval process and better control your planned expenditures. You can set up separate encumbrance types for each stage in your purchasing cycle to track your spending at each level. Examples of encumbrance types are commitments (requisition encumbrances) and obligations (purchase order encumbrances).
- end item
- Any item that can be ordered or sold. See finished good and product
- engineer-to-order
- An environment where customers order unique configurations for which engineering must define and release custom bills for material and routings. Oracle Manufacturing does not provide special support for this environment beyond the support it provides for assemble-to-order manufacturing.
- engineering change order (ECO)
- A record of revisions to one or more items usually released by engineering.
- engineering item
- A prototype part, material, subassembly, assembly, or product you have not yet released to production. You can order, stock, and build engineering items.
- expenditure type
- An implementation-defined classification of cost you assign to each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost groups (expenditure categories) and revenue groups (revenue categories).
- expense item
- Anything you make, purchase, or sell including components, subassemblies, finished products, or supplies and that does not carry a cost. Also known as a non-asset item.
- expense subinventory
- Subdivision of an organization, representing either a physical area or a logical grouping of items, such as a storeroom where no value exists but the quantities may be tracked.
- exchange rate
- exchange rate type
- A specification of the source of an exchange rate. For example, a user exchange rate or a corporate exchange rate. See also corporate exchange rate, spot exchange rate.
- express receipt
- A site option that lets you receive an entire purchase order or blanket purchase agreement release with one keystroke.
- feeder program
- A custom program you write to transfer your transaction information from an original system into Oracle Application interface tables. The type of feeder program you write depends on the environment from which you are importing data.
- FIFO costing
- Costing method where it is assumed that items that were received earliest are transacted first.
- final assembly order
- A discrete job created from a configuration or an assemble to order item and linked to a sales order. Also known as final assembly schedule.
- financial EDI
- The exchange of machine readable financial documents between a corporation and its financial institution. The exchange includes both collections and disbursements in the form of credit and debit transfers, related bank balance, banking transactions, and account analysis.
- finished good
- Any item subject to a customer order or forecast. See also product
- firm planned order
- An MRP-planned order that is firmed using the Planner Workbench. This allows the planner to firm portions of the material plan without creating discrete jobs or purchase requisitions. Unlike a firm order, a MRP firm planned order does not create a natural time fence for an item.
- first unit completion date
- The date and time you plan to complete production of the first assembly on a repetitive schedule. This date equals the first unit start date plus the lead time.
- first unit start date
- The date and time you plan to begin production of the first assembly on a repetitive schedule. This date equates to the start of your lead time.
- Fixed Days Supply
- An item attribute the planning process uses to modify the size and timing of planned order quantities for the item. The planning process suggests planned order quantities that cover net requirements for the period defined by the value you enter here. The planning process suggests one planned order for each period. Use this attribute, for example, to reduce the number of planned orders the planning process would otherwise generate for a discretely planned component of a repetitively planned item.
- fixed lead time
- The portion of the time required to make an assembly independent of order quantity, such as time for setup or teardown.
- Fixed Lot Size Multiplier
- An item attribute the planning process uses to modify the size of planned order quantities or repetitive daily rates for the item. For discretely planned items, when net requirements fall short of the fixed lot size multiplier quantity, the planning process suggests a single order for the fixed lot size multiplier quantity. When net requirements for the item exceed the fixed lot size multiplier quantity, the planning process suggests a single order with an order quantity that is a multiple of the fixed lot size multiplier quantity. For repetitively planned items, when average daily demand for a repetitive planning period falls short of the fixed lot size multiplier quantity, the planning process suggests a repetitive daily rate equal to the fixed lot size multiplier quantity. When average daily demand for a repetitive planning period exceeds the fixed lot size multiplier quantity, the planning process suggests a repetitive daily rate that is a multiple of the fixed lot size multiplier quantity.
- fixed order quantity
- An item attribute the planning process uses to modify the size of planned order quantities or repetitive daily rates for the item. When net requirements fall short of the fixed order quantity, the planning process suggests the fixed order quantity. When net requirements for the item exceed the fixed order quantity, the planning process suggests multiple orders for the fixed order quantity. For discretely planned items, use this attribute to define a fixed production or purchasing quantity for the item. For repetitively planned items, use this attribute to define a fixed production rate for the item. For example, if your suppliers can only supply the item in full truckload quantities, enter the full truckload quantity as the fixed order quantity for the item.
- fixed price discount
- A discount that fixes the final selling price of the item so it is not affected by changes to the list price of the item. It is a method of implementing discounts to the list price where the final price is contractually fixed regardless of changes to the list price, as is the case with GSA prices. For example, if Item A has a list price of $100, a fixed price discount specifying a selling price of $90 results in a selling price of $90 even if the list price later increases to $110.
- flexfield segment
- One of the parts of your key flexfield, separated from the other parts by a symbol you choose (such as -, /, or \). Each segment typically represents a cost center, company, item family, or color code.
- flow charging
- A repetitive transaction method where you charge material, move, resource, and overhead transactions to a specific assembly on a line rather than a specific repetitive schedule. See repetitive allocation
- See freight on board.
- focus forecasting
- A simulation-based forecasting process that looks at past inventory activity patterns to determine the best simulation for predicting future demand.
- forecast
- An estimate of future demand on inventory items. A forecast contains information on the original and current forecast quantities (before and after consumption), the confidence factor, and any specific customer information. You can assign any number of inventory items to the forecast and use the same item in multiple forecasts. For each inventory item you specify any number of forecast entries.
- forecast consumption
- The process of subtracting demand generated by sales orders from forecasted demand thereby preventing demand being counted twice in the planning period.
- forecast date
- The date for a forecast entry for an item. A forecast for an item has a forecast date and an associated quantity.
- forecast demand
- A part of your total demand that comes from forecasts, not actual sales orders.
- forecast end date
- A forecast end date implies that until that date, the same quantity is scheduled for each day, week, or period that falls between the forecast date and the end date. A forecast date with no forecast end date is the quantity for that particular day, week, or period, depending on the bucket size.
- forecast entry
- A forecast for an inventory item stated by a date, an optional rate end date, and quantity.
- forecast explosion
- Explosion of the forecast for planning and model bills of material. The forecasted demand for the planning or model bill is passed down to create forecasted demand for its components. You can choose to explode the forecast when loading a forecast.
- forecast level
- The level at which a forecast is defined. Also, the level at which to consume a forecast. Example forecast levels include items, customers, customer bill-to, and customer ship to locations.
- forecast load
- The process of copying one or more source forecasts into a single destination forecast. When copying forecasts, you can choose to overwrite all or a subset of existing entries in the destination forecast, specify whether to explode the source forecast, and specify whether to consume the source forecast. You can choose to modify the source forecast by a modification percent, or roll the source forecast forward or backward by a specified number of carry forward days. You can also load compiled statistical and focus forecasts from Inventory, and you can use the forecast interface table to load forecasts into Master Scheduling/MRP from external sources.
- forecast set
- A group of complementing forecasts. For each forecast set, you specify a forecast level, consumption use, update time fence days, outlier update percents, disable date, default time bucket and demand class. A forecast set can have one or many forecasts within it.
- foreign currency
A currency you define for your set of books for recording and conducting accounting transactions in a currency other than your functional currency. See also exchange rate, functional currency
- forward consumption days
- A number of days forward from the current date used for consuming and loading forecasts. Consumption of a forecast occurs in the current bucket and as far forward as the forward consumption days. If the forward consumption days enters another bucket, the forecast consumes anywhere in that bucket, as well.
- forward scheduling
- A scheduling technique where you specify a production start date and Oracle Manufacturing calculates a production end date using either detailed scheduling or repetitive line scheduling.
- freight on board (FOB) The point or location where the ownership title of goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer.
- freight carrier
- A commercial company used to send item shipments from one address to another.
- frozen costs
- Costs currently in use for an operation, process, or item including resources, material and overhead charges. Under standard costing, you use the frozen costs for your cost transactions.
- freight charges
- A shipment-related charge added during ship confirmation and billed to your customer.
- freight terms
- An agreement indicating who pays the freight costs of an order and when they are to be paid. Freight terms do not affect accounting freight charges.
- functional acknowledgment
- The acknowledgement to indicate the results of the syntactical analysis of electronically encoded documents. Applies to a functional group and can include detail.
- functional currency
- Currency you use to record transactions and maintain your accounting information. The functional currency is generally the currency used to perform most of your company's business transactions. You determine the functional currency for the set of books you use in your organization. Also called base currency.
- general ledger transfer
- The process of creating a postable batch for the general ledger from summarized inventory/work in process activity for a given period. Using Journal Import in General Ledger, you can create a postable batch in your general ledger. After running Journal Import, you can post your journal using the General Ledger posting process.
- General Services Administration
- See GSA.
- generic agreement
- An agreement without a specified customer, so it is available to all customers. See also agreement, customer family agreement.
- (General Services Administration)
- gross weight
The weight of the fully loaded vehicle, container, or item, including packed items and packaging material.
- guarantee A contractual obligation to purchase a specified amount of goods or services over a predefined period of time.
- hit/miss tolerance
- A limit you define for the difference between the on-hand quantity and the actual cycle count quantity. You express positive and negative hit/miss tolerances as percentages of the on-hand quantity.
- hold
- hold parameter
- A criterion you use to place a hold on an order or order line. Valid hold parameters are customer, customer site, order and item.
- hold source
- An instruction for Order Entry to place a hold on all orders or lines that meet criteria you specify. Create a hold source when you want to put all current and future orders for a particular customer or for a particular item on automatic hold. Order Entry gives you the power to release holds for specific orders or order lines, while still maintaining the hold source. Oracle Order Entry holds all new and existing orders for the customer or item in your hold source until you remove the hold source.
- hold type
- Indicates the kind of hold you place on an order or order line.
- implementation date
- The date a component becomes part of a bill of material and is no longer controlled through an ECO. Implementation date does not necessarily equal the effective date.
- included item
- A standard mandatory component in a bill, indicating that it ships (if shippable) whenever its parent item is shipped. Included items are components of models, kits, and option classes.
- independent demand
- Demand for an item unrelated to the demand for other items.
- initialization
- Defines cycle count classes and items, based on an already existing ABC compile.
- intangible item
- A non-physical item sold to your customers such as consulting services or a warranty. Intangible items are non-shippable and do not appear on pick slips and pack slips. See also shippable item.
- inter-organization transfer
- Transfer of items from one inventory organization to another You can have freight charges and transfer credits associated with inter-organization transfer. You can choose to ship items directly or have them go through intransit inventory.
- internal requisition
- See internal sales order, purchase requisition.
- internal sales order
- A request within your company for goods or services. An internal sales order originates from an employee or from another process as a requisition, such as inventory or manufacturing, and becomes an internal sales order when the information is transferred from Purchasing to Order Entry. Also known as internal requisition or purchase requisition.
- intransit inventory
- Items being shipped from one inventory organization to another. While items are intransit you can view and update arrival date, freight charges, and so on.
- intraoperation steps
- The particular phases within an operation. There are five intraoperation steps in Work in Process: Queue, Run, To Move, Reject, and Scrap.
- inventory controls
- Parameter settings that control how Inventory functions.
- inventory item
- Items you stock in inventory. You control inventory for inventory items by quantity and value. Typically, the inventory item remains an asset until you consume it. You recognize the cost of an inventory item as an expense when you consume it or sell it. You generally value the inventory for an item by multiplying the item standard cost by the quantity on hand.
- inventory organization
- An organization that tracks inventory transactions and balances, and/or that manufactures or distributes products.
- inventory parameters
- The set of controls, default options, and default account numbers that determine how Inventory functions.
- invoice
- invoice batch
- invoice number A number or combination of numbers and characters that uniquely identifies an invoice within your system. Usually generated automatically by your receivables system to avoid assigning duplicate numbers. Invoice numbering may be based on the delivery name/number or generated sequentially.
- invoice value
The total outstanding order value that needs to be invoiced.
- invoicing rules
- Rules that Oracle Receivables uses to determine when you bill your invoices. You can bill In Advance or In Arrears.
- issue transaction
- A material transaction to issue component items from inventory to work in process.
- item
- Anything you make, purchase, or sell, including components, subassemblies, finished products, or supplies. Oracle Manufacturing also uses items to represent planning items that you can forecast, standard lines that you can include on invoices, and option classes you can use to group options in model and option class bills.
- item attribute control level
- To maintain item attributes at the item master attribute level or the organization specific level by defining item attribute control consistent with your company policies. For example, if your company determines serial number control at headquarters regardless of where items are used, you define and maintain serial number attribute control at the item master level. If each organization maintains serial number control locally, they maintain those attributes at the organization specific level.
- item attributes
- Specific characteristics of an item, such as order cost, item status, revision control, COGS account, etc.
- item-based resource
- A resource whose usage quantity is the amount required per assembly unit you make.
- item category
- See category.
- item groups
- A group of related products that can be added to one or more price lists.
- item master level attribute
- An item attribute you control at the item master level as opposed to controlling at the organization level.
- item sequence
- The sequence of the component item on the bill of material used to sort components on reports.
- item status
- Code used to control the transaction activity of an item.
- Item Validation Organization
- The organization that contains your master list of items. You define it by setting the OE: Item Validation Organization profile option. See also organization.
- job costing
- A method of collecting and reporting costs for each individual discrete job. Includes costs in due to material, resource and overhead transactions, and costs out due to completions, scrap and variances. Used for standard and non-standard asset discrete jobs.
- job status
- An Oracle Manufacturing function that lets you describe various stages in the life cycle of a discrete job and control activities that you can perform on the job.
- key indicators
- Also, an Oracle Applications feature you use to gather and retain information about your productivity, such as the number of invoices paid. You define key indicators periods, and Oracle Automotive provides a report that shows productivity indicators for your current and prior period activity.
- kit
- An item that has a standard list of components (or included items) you ship when you process an order for that item. A kit is similar to a pick-to-order model because it has shippable components, but it has no options and you order it directly by its item number, not using the configuration selection screen.
- labor efficiency variance
- The difference between actual and standard man-hours of work.
- last unit completion date
- The date and time you plan to complete production of the last assembly on a repetitive schedule. This date equates to the first unit completion date plus processing days.
- last unit start date
- The date and time you plan to begin production of the last assembly on a repetitive schedule. This date is the first unit start date plus processing days.
- lead time line
- The production line Bills of Material uses to calculate the processing lead time for a particular repetitive assembly, since lead times may vary on different production lines.
- lead time lot size
- The item quantity used to compute the fixed and variable portions of manufacturing lead time. For manufactured items, the processing lead time represents the time required to build this quantity.
- lead time rollup
- A Bill of Material program that computes cumulative lead times for items.
- LIFO costing
- Costing method where it is assumed that items that were received most recently are transacted first.
- line lead time
- The time required to complete the first assembly on a production line.
- line lead time basis
- A repetitive scheduling technique that uses a fixed line lead time for all production on a repetitive line or calculates the line lead time based on each assembly's routing.
- line priority
- The line priority indicates which production line to use to build assemblies. You create repetitive schedules on the highest priority line first, then, if the line capacity is less than demand, additional repetitive schedules are created on other lines in decreasing order of their line priority. For example, if demand is for 1000 units per day on two lines with a daily capacity of 750, the line with the highest priority is loaded with 750 and the lower priority line with 250. For lines of equal priority, the load is allocated evenly across lines.
- line production hours
- The number of hours per day that production line operates. This is equal to the difference between the line start time and line stop time.
- line speed
- The hourly production rate of assemblies on a production line.
- line start time
- The time a production line starts running every day. The line start time is used to schedule repetitive schedules on a line.
- line stop time
- The time a production line stops running every day. The line stop time is used to schedule repetitive schedules on a line.
- list price
- Your base item cost to your customers. You define the item list price on a price list and Oracle Order Entry applies all price adjustments against the item list price.
- load definition You can record actual sequenced delivery for a departure at Ship Confirm after Pick Release for unplanned picking line details.
- loading order
Determines the order in which items are loaded on a truck for delivery in the requested production sequence. The loading order can be forward, reverse - inverted, or non-inverted.
- loading sequence number
The number that results by manually selecting loading order at Departure Planning Workbench. This will be stored in the delivery line.
- location
- A shorthand name for an address. Location appears in address lists of values to let you select the correct address based on an intuitive name. For example, you may want to give the location name of 'Receiving Dock' to the Ship To business purpose of 100 Main Street.
- locator
- Physical area within a subinventory where you store material, such as a row, aisle, bin, or shelf.
- locator control
- An Oracle Manufacturing technique for enforcing use of locators during a material transaction.
- lockbox
- A service commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing. Lockbox processors set up special postal codes to receive payments, deposit funds and provide electronic account receivable input to corporate customers. A lockbox operation can process millions of transactions a month.
- logical organization
- A business unit that tracks items for accounting purposes but does not physically exist. See organization.
- lot
- A specific batch of an item identified by a number.
- lot based resource
- A resource whose usage quantity is the amount required per job or schedule.
- lot control
- An Oracle Manufacturing technique for enforcing use of lot numbers during material transactions thus enabling the tracking of batches of items throughout their movement in and out of inventory.
- lot for lot
- A lot sizing technique that generates planned orders in quantities equal to the net requirements in each period.
- low level code
- A number that identifies the lowest level in any bill of material that a component appears. Low level codes are used by the MRP planner to ensure that net requirements for the component are not calculated until all gross requirements from parent items have first been calculated.
- make-to-order
- An environment where customers order unique configurations that must be manufactured using multiple discrete jobs and/or final assembly orders where the product from one discrete job is required as a component on another discrete job. Oracle Manufacturing does not provide special support for this environment beyond the support it provides for assemble-to-order manufacturing.
- mandatory component
- A component in a bill that is not optional. Bills of Material distinguishes required components from options in model and option class bills of material. Mandatory components in pick-to-order model bills are often referred to as included items, especially if they are shippable.
- manual resource
- A resource manually charged to a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- manufacturing lead time
- The total time required to manufacture an assembly.
- manufacturing material
- Raw materials and work in process material.
- mass change order
- A record of a plan to replace, delete, or update one or more component items in many bills of material at the same time.
- mass loading
- An Oracle Manufacturing function to create one or more discrete jobs or repetitive schedules based on planned orders or schedules in your MRP or master production schedule.
- mass rescheduling
- An Oracle Manufacturing function where you can reschedule or change the status of one or more discrete jobs based on your planned reschedule recommendations in your MRP or MPS.
- master demand schedule
- The anticipated ship schedule in terms of rates or discrete quantities, and dates.
- master production schedule (MPS)
- The anticipated build schedule in terms of rates or discrete quantities, and dates.
- master schedule
- The name referring to either a master production schedule or a master demand schedule. See master demand schedule and master production schedule
- material overhead
- A rate or amount you allocate to the cost of your item, usually based on the total material value of the item. Typical examples include material handling, purchasing, and freight expenses. You may also charge material overhead on assembly completions and purchase order receipts as a fixed amount per item or lot, or base it on your activity costs. See also overhead
- material overhead default
- Defaults you create for your material overheads. Used when you define your items. Your material overhead defaults may be for all items in an organization or for a specific category.
- material overhead rate
- A percentage of an item cost you apply to the item for the purposes of allocating material overhead costs. For example, you may want to allocate the indirect labor costs of your manufacturing facility to items based on a percentage of the item's value and usage.
- material requirement
- An inventory item and quantity needed to build an assembly on a job or repetitive schedule. Discrete job and repetitive schedule material requirements are created based on the component items defined on the assembly's bill of materials. Issue transactions fulfill material requirements.
- material requirements planning (MRP)
- A process that utilizes bill of material information, a master schedule, and current inventory information to calculate net requirements for materials.
- manifest
- A list of contents and/or weight and counts for one or more deliveries in a departure.
- material transaction
- Transfer between, issue from, receipt to, or adjustment to an inventory organization, subinventory, or locator. Receipt of completed assemblies into inventory from a job or repetitive schedule. Issue of component items from inventory to work in process.
- Maximum Order Quantity
- An item attribute the planning process uses to modify the size of planned order quantities or repetitive daily rates for the item. For discretely planned items, when net requirements exceed the maximum order quantity, the planning process suggests the maximum order quantity. For repetitively planned items, when average daily demand for a repetitive planning period exceeds the maximum order quantity, the planning process suggests the maximum order quantity as the repetitive daily rate. Use this attribute, for example, to define an order quantity above which you do not have sufficient capacity to build the item.
- maximum rate
- The maximum number of completed assemblies a production line can produce per hour.
- message distribution
- A line on the bottom of your form that displays helpful hints, warning message, and basic entry errors. See also distribution list.
- methods variance
- For Work in Process, this quantity variance is defined as the difference between the standard resources required per the standard bill of material and the standard resources required per the work in process bill of material. This variance is included with the resource efficiency variance.
- midpoint scheduling
- A scheduling technique where you specify an operation start or end date and Oracle Manufacturing automatically calculates production start and end dates.
- min-max planning
- An inventory planning method used to determine when and how much to order based on a fixed user-entered minimum and maximum inventory levels.
- Minimum Order Quantity
- An item attribute the planning process uses to modify the size of planned order quantities or repetitive daily rates for the item. For discretely planned items, when net requirements fall short of the minimum order quantity, the planning process suggests the minimum order quantity. For repetitively planned items, when average daily demand for a repetitive planning period falls short of the minimum order quantity, the planning process suggests the minimum order quantity as the repetitive daily rate. Use this attribute, for example, to define an order quantity below which it is not profitable to build the item.
- minimum rate
- The minimum number of completed assemblies a production line can produce per hour.
- minimum transfer quantity
- The minimum number of assemblies to move from your current operation to the next. Work in Process warns you when you move less than the minimum transfer quantity.
- modal window
- Certain actions that you perform may cause a modal window to display. A modal window requires you to act on its contents before you can continue, usually by choosing OK or Cancel.
- model
- (model item) An item whose bill of material lists options and option classes available when you place an order for the model item.
- model bill of material
- A bill of material for a model item. A model bill lists option classes and options available when you place an order for the model item.
- model item
- An item whose bill of material lists options and option classes available when you place an order for the model item.
- move transaction
- A transaction to move assemblies from operation to operation or within an operation on a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- MPS See master production schedule.
- MPS-planned item
- An item controlled by the master scheduler and placed on a master production schedule. The item is critical in terms of its impact on lower-level components and/or resources, such as skilled labor, key machines, or dollars. The master scheduler maintains control for these items.
- MRP See material requirements planning.
- MRP net quantity
- The quantity planning views as supply coming from a discrete job on the scheduled completion date.
- multi-department resource
- A resource whose capacity can be shared with other departments.
- multi-source
- An AutoCreate option that lets a buyer distribute the quantity of a single requisition line to several suppliers whenever the buyer wants to purchase the requisition line item from more than one supplier.
- National Automated Clearing House Association
- The NACHA is a non-profit organization responsible for developing and maintaining the rules and guidelines for using the ACH network.
- negative requirement
- A requirement supplied to a discrete job or repetitive schedule instead of being consumed by it. Negative requirements can be created to support by-products or other reusable components.
- net weight Weight of the contained load. Commonly calculated as GROSS - TARE, this includes the weight of any packing materials (paper, cardboard separators, Styrofoam peanuts, etc.).
- nettable control
- An Oracle Manufacturing function that lets you specify whether the MRP planning process considers the requirements of the job or schedule in its netting calculations.
- new average cost
- Cost of an item after a transaction that affects the average cost is processed. See current average cost.
- new on-hand quantity
- The quantity on-hand immediately after the transaction is performed and saved. Equal to current on-hand quantity plus total quantity. See current on-hand quantity, total quantity.
- non-quota sales credit
- See non-revenue sales credit.
- non-revenue sales credit
- Sales credit you assign to your salespeople not associated to your invoice lines. This is sales credit given in excess of your revenue sales credit. See also revenue sales credit.
- non-standard asset job
- A type of non-standard job carried as an asset during the life of the job.
- non-standard discrete job
- A type of discrete job that controls material and resources and collects costs for a wide variety of miscellaneous manufacturing activities. These activities can include rework, field service repair, upgrade, disassembly, maintenance, engineering prototypes, and other projects. Non-standard jobs do not earn material overhead upon assembly completion.
- non-standard expense job
- A type of non-standard job expensed at the close of each accounting period. Typical expense jobs include maintenance and repair.
- object
- A region in Order Entry such as order, line, shipment schedule, and so on. You can provide Security Rules for objects. See also attribute, default value, security rules, standard value rule set.
- occurrence
- An individual quality result. For example, a measurement that falls in or out of a specified tolerance. Occurrences can be charted using Oracle Quality.
- offset percent
- An operation resource field that holds the percent of total manufacturing lead time required for previous operations. For example, if all operations require a total of ten hours to perform and the offset percent for a resource is 40%, then the resource is used four hours after the start of the first operation.
- offsetting account
- The source or opposite side of an accounting entry. For example, when you charge resources in Work in Process you debit a resource to your work in process resource valuation account; the offset account is the credit to the resource absorption account.
- on account
- Payments where you intentionally apply all or part of the payment amount to a customer without reference to a debit item. On account examples include prepayments and deposits.
- on-account credits
- Credits you assign to your customer's account that are not related to a specific invoice. You can create on account credits in the Transaction window or through AutoInvoice.
- on-hand quantity
- The physical quantity of an item existing in inventory.
- on hold job/schedule
- A job or repetitive schedule not accepting further activity and is therefore untransactable.
- one-time item
- An item you want to order but do not want to maintain in the Items window. You define a one-time item when you create a requisition or purchase order. You can report or query on a one-time item by specifying the corresponding item class.
- one-time note
- A unique message you can attack to an order, return, order line, or return line to convey important information.
- open interface
- A Manufacturing function that lets you import or export data from other systems through an open interface. An example is a bar code reader device accumulating data you later import into your manufacturing system for further processing.
- open requirement
- A WIP material requirement you have not yet transacted to a discrete job or repetitive schedule. It equates to the component quantity required less any quantity issued.
- operation
- A step in a manufacturing process where you perform work on, add value to, and consume department resources for an assembly.
- operation code
- A label that identifies a standard operation.
- operation completion pull transaction
- A material transaction where you backflush components from inventory to work in process as you complete the operation where the component is consumed. See also backflush transaction
- operation completion transaction
- A move transaction from one operation to the next where you have completed building the assembly at that operation. In this process, you can also charge resources and overheads and backflush component items.
- operation instructions
- Directions that describe how to perform an operation.
- operation offset
- Elapsed days from the start of your first operation until the beginning of your current operation.
- operation overlap scheduling
- A scheduling technique that allows you to schedule resource activities in the prior and next operations to overlap with the current operation.
- operation sequence
- A number that orders operations in a routing relative to each other.
- option
- An optional item component in an option class or model bill of material.
- option class
- A group of related option items. An option class is orderable only within a model. An option class can also contain included items.
- option class bill of material
- A bill of material for an option class item that contains a list of related options.
- option class item
- An item whose bill of material contains a list of related options.
- option dependent operation
- An operation in a model or option class item's routing that appears in a configuration item routing only if the configuration contains an option that references that operation.
- option item
- A non-mandatory item component in an option class or model bill of material.
- order cycle
- A sequence of actions you or Oracle Order Entry perform on an order to complete the order. An order cycle lets you define the activity an order follows from initial entry through closing. You can define as many order cycles as your business requires. Order cycles are assigned to order types. See also action result.
- order cycle action
- See cycle action.
- order scheduling
- See scheduling.
- order setup cost
- The fixed cost associated with placing an order of any quantity for an item.
- order type
Classification of an order. In Order Entry, this controls an order's order cycle, order numbering source, credit check point, transaction type, and standard value rule set.
- OrderImport
- An Order Entry open interface that allows you to import your transaction information from an original system into Oracle Automotive. See also feeder program.
- organization
- A business unit such as a plant, warehouse, division, department, and so on. Order Entry refers to organizations as warehouses on all Order Entry windows and reports.
- organization-specific level attribute
- An item attribute you control at the organization level.
- original system
- The external system from which you are transferring data into Oracle Automotive tables.
- outlier quantity
- The amount of sales order left over after the maximum allowable amount (outlier update percent) was used to consume a forecast.
- outlier update percent
- The maximum percent of the original quantity forecast that a single sales order consumes. It is used to limit forecast consumption by unusually large sales orders
- outside operation
- An operation that contains outside resources and possibly internal resources as well.
- outside processing
- Performing work on a discrete job or repetitive schedule using resources provided by a supplier.
- outside processing operation
- Any operation that has an outside processing resource. See outside resource
- outside processing item
- An item you include on a purchase order line to purchase supplier services as part of your assembly build process. This item can be the assembly itself or a non-stocked item which represents the service performed on the assembly.
- outside resource
- A resource provided by a supplier you include in your routings, such as supplier sourced labor or services. This includes both PO move and PO receipt resources.
- overhead
- The indirect expenses allocated in your budgeting process and assigned to your resources or departments. You charge overhead costs based on resource value, resource units, or operation completions. You typically include administration, facility, depreciation activity, and other costs you cannot directly charge to your manufactured items. Does not include material overhead.
- overhead transaction
- A work in process transaction that automatically charges overhead costs to a job or repetitive schedule as you perform moves or charge resources.
- pack slip
- An external shipping document that accompanies a shipment itemizing in detail the contents of that shipment.
- packing instructions
- Notes that print on the pack slip. These instructions are for external shipping personnel. For example, you might wish to warn your carriers of a fragile shipment or your customer's receiving hours.
- parameter
- A variable used to restrict information in a report, or determine the form of a report. For example, you may want to limit your report to the current month, or display information by supplier number instead of supplier name.
- passing result
- A passing result signals successful completion of an order cycle approval action. Once an order or order line has achieved an approval action passing result, it no longer appears on the approval window. See also approval action, order cycle.
- payment batch
- A group of invoices selected for automatic payment processing via Oracle Payables AutoSelect function.
- payment document
- Medium used to instruct a bank to disburse funds to the account of a site location or supplier.
- payment terms
- The due date and discount date for payment of an invoice. For example, the payment term '2% 10, Net 30' lets a customer take a two percent discount if payment is received within 10 days, with the balance due within 30 days of the invoice date.
- pending
- A status where a process or transaction is waiting to be completed.
- pending costs
- The future cost of an item, resource, activity, or overhead. Not used by cost transactions. See frozen costs.
- period
- See accounting period
- period-based costing
- A method of collecting and reporting costs by period rather than by some other method such as by discrete jobs. Used primarily in costing repetitive schedules and non-standard expense discrete jobs.
- phantom assembly
- An assembly Work in Process explodes through when it creates the bill of material for a job or schedule. A particular assembly can be a phantom assembly on one bill and a subassembly on another.
- physical inventory
- A periodic reconciliation of item counts with system on-hand quantities.
- physical tags
- A tool for recording the on-hand quantity for a specific item in a specific location. A tag is most commonly a slip of paper posted at the item's location.
- pick list
- A report that lists all component requirements sorted by supply type for a particular discrete job, repetitive schedule or production line.
- pick release
- An order cycle action to notify warehouse personnel that orders are ready for picking.
- pick release batch
- See picking batch.
- pick release rule
- A user-defined set of criteria to define what order lines should be selected during pick release.
- pick release sequence rule The rule for pick release that decides the order in which eligible order line details request item reservations from Oracle Inventory.
- Internal shipping document pickers use to locate items to ship for an order. If you use standard pick slips, each order will have its own pick slip within each picking batch. If you use the consolidated pick slip, the pick slip contains all orders released in that picking batch.
- pick slip grouping rule Criterion for grouping together various types of pick slips. The rule dictates how the Pick Slip Report program groups released lines into different pick slips.
- pick-to-order
- A configure-to-order environment where the options and included items in a model appear on pick slips and order pickers gather the options when they ship the order. Alternative to manufacturing the parent item on a work order and then shipping it. Pick-to-order is also an item attribute that you can apply to standard, model, and option class items.
- pick-to-order (PTO) item
- A predefined configuration order pickers gather as separately finished included items just before they ship the order. See also kit.
- pick-to-order (PTO) model
- An item with an associated bill of material with optional and included items. At order entry, the configurator is used to choose the optional items to include for the order. The order picker gets a detailed list of the chosen options and included items to gather as separately finished items just before the order is shipped.
- The process of withdrawing items from inventory to be shipped to a customer.
- picking header
Internal implementation of picking header that identifies distinct combinations of Pick Release criteria (Warehouse, Sales Order, Shipping Priority, Freight Carrier, Ship To, Backorder) in the previous product design. Picking Headers will be generated internally at Pick Release to ensure compatibility with the View Orders. However, when a delivery is closed in the Ship Confirm window, Picking Headers will be updated internally again to ensure all picking lines of a Picking Header are associated with the same delivery. The reason to maintain Picking Headers at Ship Confirm again is for the compatibility of the Update Shipment program. Update Shipment will process all Picking Headers associated with a delivery.
- picking line
- An instruction to pick a specific quantity of a specific item for a specific order. Each pick slip contains one or more picking lines, depending on the number of distinct items released on the pick slip.
- picking rule
- A user-defined set of criteria to define the priorities Order Entry uses when picking items out of finished goods inventory to ship to a customer. Picking rules are defined in Oracle Inventory.
- planned order
- A suggested quantity, release date, and due date that satisfies net item requirements. MRP owns planned orders, and may change or delete the orders during subsequent MRP processing if conditions change. MRP explodes planned orders at one level into gross requirements for components at the next lower level (dependent demand). Planned orders along with existing discrete jobs also serve as input to capacity requirements planning, describing the total capacity requirements throughout the planning horizon.
- planning production sequence number
Number generated by the Demand Processor to guarantee a unique production sequence code for departure planning. The customer production sequence number may be insufficient because it is not necessarily unique.
- planned purchase order
- A type of purchase order you issue before you order actual delivery of goods and services for specific dates and locations. You normally enter a planned purchase order to specify items you want to order and when you want delivery of the items. You later enter a shipment release against the planned purchase order when you actually want to order the items.
- planner
- Person responsible for deciding the time and quantity of a resupply order for an item.
- planning bill of material
- A bill of material for a planning item that contains a list of items and planning percentages. You can use a planning bill to facilitate master scheduling and/or material planning. The total output of a planning bill of material is not limited to 100% (it can exceed this number by any amount).
- planning horizon
- The amount of time a master schedule extends into the future.
- planning item
- A type of item representing a product family or demand channel whose bill of material contains a list of items and planning percentages.
- planning percent
- A component usage percentage that facilitates planning for optional components on model and option class bills, and all components on planning bills.
- PO
- See purchase order.
- PO move resource
- An outside resource that is automatically charged upon receipt of a purchase order. PO move resources also automatically initiate shop floor move transactions upon receipt.
- PO receipt resource
- An outside resource that is automatically charged upon receipt of a purchase order.
- postprocessing lead time
- The time required to receive a purchased item into inventory from the initial supplier receipt, such as the time required to deliver an order from the receiving dock to its final destination.
- predefined serial number
- To define an alphanumeric prefix and a beginning number for your serial numbers before you assign them to items. Predefined serial numbers are validated during receiving and shipping transactions.
- preprocessing lead time
- The time required to place a purchase order or create a discrete job or repetitive schedule that you must add to purchasing or manufacturing lead time to determine total lead time. If you define this time for a repetitive item, the planning process ignores it.
- prerequisite
- A combination of a specific order cycle action and an associated result that must occur before an order progresses to its next action in an order cycle. See also cycle action, order cycle, passing result.
- previous level costs
- The material, material overhead, outside processing, resource and overhead costs of the components used in the manufacture of an assembly.
- price adjustment
- The difference between the list price of an item and its actual selling price. Price adjustments can have a positive or negative impact on the list price. Price adjustments that lower the list price are also commonly known as discounts. Price adjustments can be for an order line or the entire order.
- price list
- A register of all the products you offer and the selling price for each.
- pricing components
- Combinations of pricing parameters you use when defining pricing rules. Pricing components can be made up of one or multiple pricing parameters.
- pricing parameters
- A parameter you use to create components to be used in a pricing rule. Valid pricing parameters include segments of your item flexfield or Pricing Attributes descriptive flexfield.
- pricing rule
- A mathematical formula used to define item pricing. You create a pricing rule by combining pricing components and assigning a value to the components. Oracle Order Entry automatically creates list prices based on formulas you define. See also pricing components.
- primary bill of material
- A list of the components you most frequently use to build a product. The primary bill is the default bill for rolling up costs, defining a job, and calculating cumulative item lead times. Master Scheduling/MRP uses this bill to plan your material.
- primary customer information
- Address and contact information for your customer's headquarters or principal place of business. Primary addresses and contacts can provide defaults during order entry. See also standard value.
- primary role
- Your customer contact's principle business function according to your company's terminology. For example, people in your company may refer to accounting responsibilities such as Controller or Receivables Supervisor.
- primary routing
- A list of the operations you most frequently perform to build a product. The primary routing is the default routing for defining a job and calculating manufacturing lead times.
- primary salesperson
The salesperson that receives 100% of the sales credits when you first enter your order invoice or commitment.
- primary unit of measure
- The stocking unit of measure for an item in a particular organization.
- priority
- See line priority.
- processing days
- See repetitive processing days
- processing lead time
- The time required to procure or manufacture an item. For manufactured assemblies, processing lead time equals the manufacturing lead time.
- processing status
- The processing state of a row (record) in an open interface table. Common statuses include, but are not restricted to, Pending, Running, and Error. See repetitive processing days.
- product
- A finished item that you sell. See also finished good.
- product configuration
- See configuration.
- production line
- The physical location where you manufacture a repetitive assembly, usually associated with a routing. You can build many different assemblies on the same line at the same time. Also known as assembly line.
- production rate
- See line speed.
- profile option
- A set of changeable options that affect the way your applications run. In general, profile options can be set at one or more of the following levels: site, application, responsibility, and user.
- project A unit of work broken down into one or more tasks, for which you specify revenue and billing methods, invoice formats, a managing organization, and project manager and bill rates schedules. You can charge costs to a project, as well as generate and maintain revenue, invoice, unbilled receivable and unearned revenue information for a project.
- project inventory Any and all items and costs in both project subinventories and project work in process jobs.
- project job
- A standard or non-standard WIP job with a project reference. The valuation accounts associated with this type of job will be project work in process. Any balance remaining in such a job when it is closed will be reported as a variance.
- project manufacturing
- The type of project that uses Projects with Manufacturing to track the costs of a manufacturing-related project against a project budget.
- project subinventory
- A subinventory with a project reference into which terms can be delivered and out of which items can be issued and transferred.
- project task
- A subdivision of Project Work. Each project can have a set of top level tasks and a hierarchy of subtasks below each top level task. You can charge costs to tasks at the lowest level only. See also Work Breakdown Structure.
- promise date
- PTO item
See pick-to-order item.
- PTO model
See pick-to-order model.
- pull transaction
- A material transaction that automatically issues component items into work in process from inventory when you move or complete the assembly. Also known as post-deduct or backflush. See backflush transaction
- purchase order
- A type of purchase order you issue when you request delivery of goods or services for specific dates and locations. You can order multiple items for each planned or standard purchase order. Each purchase order line can have multiple shipments and you can distribute each shipment across multiple accounts. See standard purchase order and planned purchase order
- purchase order encumbrance
- A transaction representing a legally binding purchase. Purchasing subtracts purchase order encumbrances from funds available when you approve a purchase order. If you cancel a purchase order, Purchasing creates appropriate reversing entries in your general ledger. Purchase order encumbrance is also known as obligation, encumbrance, or lien.
- purchase order receipt
- See receipt
- purchase price variance
- The variance that you record at the time you receive an item in inventory or supplier services into work in process. This variance is the difference between the standard unit cost for the item or service and the purchase unit price multiplied by the quantity received. You record purchase price variances in a purchase price variance account for your organization. Since standard cost is a planned cost, you may incur variances between the standard cost and the purchase order price.
- purchase requisition
- An internal request for goods or services. A requisition can originate from an employee or from another process, such as inventory or manufacturing. Each requisition can include many lines, generally with a distinct item on each requisition line. Each requisition line includes at least a description of the item, the unit of measure, the quantity needed, the price per item, and the Accounting Flexfield you are charging for the item. See also internal sales order.
- purchased assembly
- An assembly that you normally buy.
- purchased item
- An item that you buy and receive. If an item is also an inventory item, you may also be able to stock it. See also inventory item.
- purge
- A technique for deleting data in Oracle Manufacturing that you no longer need to run your business.
- push transaction
- A material transaction to issue component items from inventory to work in process before you manufacture the assembly.
- quantity completed
- For an operation on a discrete job or repetitive schedule, the quantity of the assembly that you transacted beyond the Run intraoperation step. For a discrete job or repetitive schedule, the quantity of the assembly that you received into inventory.
- quantity in operation
- The quantity of an assembly in an operation on a discrete job or repetitive schedule. This includes the quantities in each of the intraoperation steps.
- quantity issued
- The quantity of a component item issued from inventory to a discrete job r repetitive schedule to fulfill a WIP material requirement.
- quantity on hand
- Current quantity of an item in inventory.
- quantity remaining
- The quantity of an assembly remaining to be completed at an operation in a discrete job or repetitive schedule. This is the sum of the quantities in all intraoperation steps at all operations before the current operation, plus the quantities in the Queue and Run intraoperation steps at the current operation.
- quantity required
- The total quantity of a component item required to produce all the assemblies in a discrete job or repetitive schedule as determined by the usage quantity on the bill of materials, the production quantity, and the component yield.
- quantity variance tolerance
- A limit you define for the difference between the on-hand quantity and the actual cycle count quantity. You express positive and negative quantity variance tolerances as percentages of the on-hand quantity.
- queue
- An intraoperation step in an operation where assemblies are waiting to be worked on. The default intraoperation step for every operation in a routing.
- QuickCodes
- quota sales credits
- See revenue sales credit, non-revenue sales credit.
- rate variance
- For resources charged to work in process, this variance is the difference between the actual resource rate and the standard resource rate times the resource quantity charged to the job or repetitive schedule. You create rate variance entries if you charge resources using an actual rate and you chose Yes for the Standard Rate field in the Resources window.
- rate-based capacity
- Capacity planning at the production line level. Required capacity, available capacity, and capacity utilization are calculated for individual production lines. Required and available capacity are stated in terms of production rate per line per week.
- raw materials
- Purchased items or extracted materials that are converted by the manufacturing process into components and/or products.
- receipt
- A shipment from one supplier that can include many items ordered on many purchase orders.
- received quantity
- The quantity of an inventory item returned by a customer for which you are not issuing a credit. Sometimes this is temporary, while you evaluate the condition of the item; at other times you return the items to the customer, or keep them but do not allow a credit. See also accepted quantity.
- receiving and inspection
- A condition of a returned inventory item signifying it has been received but is being inspected for damage. If in acceptable condition, the items are transferred to stock and a credit can be issued. If unacceptable, the items can be returned to the customer or scrapped.
- receiving organization
- For drop-ship orders, the purchasing organization that records receipt of a drop-shipped item.
- reciprocal customer relationship
An equal relationship shared between two customers. Both customers share agreements, enter invoices against each others commitments, and pay off each other's debit items.
- reference designator
- An optional identifier you can assign to a component on a bill. For example, when the bill requires four of a component, you can assign four reference designators to that component, one for each usage.
- reference document type
- The kind of source used to provide default information on a return, such as a sales order, purchase order entered on a sales order, or an invoice. See also reference source.
- reference source
- Provides default information on a return by allowing the user to enter a unique combination of reference document type, document number and line number, that identifies the original sales order for the returning item. See also reference document type.
- reject
- An intraoperation step in an operation where you can record assemblies that require rework or need to be scrapped.
- related item
- An acceptable substitute you define for an item so that you may receive the item if your supplier cannot ship the original item on the purchase order.
- release date
- The date when you release a discrete job or repetitive schedule to the shop floor signifying that work can begin and the discrete job or repetitive schedule becomes transactable.
- release reason
- Justification for removing a hold on an order or order line.
- released job/schedule
- A discrete job or repetitive schedule that you have signified available to be worked on and transactable.
- remit-to addresses
- The address to which your customers remit their payments.
- remittance advice
- A document that lists the invoices being paid with a particular payment document.
- remittance bank
- The bank in which you deposit your receipts.
- reorder point planning
- An inventory planning method used to determine when and how much to order based on customer service level, safety stock, carrying cost, order setup cost, lead time and average demand.
- repetitive allocation
- An Oracle Manufacturing technique for applying transaction quantities and costs across several repetitive schedules that are building the same repetitive assembly on the same line. See flow charging
- repetitive assembly
- An assembly that you build in a repetitive manufacturing environment (for example on a production line). You can also build a repetitive assembly in discrete jobs if you operate in a hybrid manufacturing environment.
- repetitive line scheduling
- A method of scheduling repetitive production on a line that considers line speed, line start and stop times, lead time, and workday calendar.
- repetitive manufacturing
- A manufacturing environment where you build assemblies repetitively, on production lines, rather than in discrete jobs or batches.
- repetitive planning period
- A period, defined as a number of days, that smooths the production rate over time. With repetitive planning periods, you can prevent your planned repetitive production rate from fluctuating too frequently.
- repetitive processing days
- The number of days you plan to work on a repetitive schedule, from the first unit start date to the last unit start date.
- repetitive rate
- The daily rate for a repetitive schedule. See daily rate
- repetitive schedule
- A production order for the manufacture of an assembly on a continuous basis as defined by a daily rate, using specific materials and resources, over a period of time. A repetitive schedule collects the costs of production, but you report those costs by period rather than by schedule. Also known as flow order or scheduled rate.
- repetitive schedule allocation
- The process of dividing suggested aggregate repetitive schedules and allocating them across individual production lines, based on predefined line priorities and line speeds.
- repetitive schedule status
- An Oracle Manufacturing function that lets you describe various stages in the life cycle of a repetitive schedule and control activities that you can perform on the schedule.
- replacement order
- A sales order created to replace goods being returned by a customer.
- replenish to order
- See assemble-to-order (ATO)
- report
- An organized display of Oracle Applications information. A report can be viewed on-line or sent to a printer. The content of information in a report can range from a summary to a complete listing of values.
- request date
- The date the customer requests the products be either shipped or received.
- requirement
- See material requirement
- requirement date
- The date when the requirement needed by the discrete job or repetitive schedule is to be consumed. Requirement dates are defaulted to the start date of the operation where a requirement is consumed.
- reschedule
- To modify the schedule of a discrete job. You can reschedule a discrete job by changing the start date, completion date, job quantity or any operation date on the routing. Planning can automatically reschedule jobs that are not firm based on planning requirement changes.
- reservation
- A guaranteed allotment of product to a specific sales order. A hold is placed on specific terms that assures that a certain quantity of an item is available on a certain date when transacted against a particular charge entity. Once reserved, the product cannot be allocated to another sales order or transferred in Inventory. Oracle Order Entry checks ATR (Available to Reserve) to verify an attempted reservation. Also known as hard reservation.
- resource
- Anything of value, except material and cash, required to manufacture, cost, and schedule products. Resources include people, tools, machines, labor purchased from a supplier, and physical space.
- resource basis
- The basis for resource usage quantity that indicates whether that quantity is required per item or per lot.
- resource charge
- See resource transaction.
- resource requirement
- A resource and quantity needed to build an assembly on a job or repetitive schedule. Discrete job and repetitive schedule resource requirements are created based on the resource requirements specified on the assembly's routing. Resource transactions fulfill resource requirements.
- resource sequence
- The number that indicates the order of a resource in an operation relative to other resources.
- resource transaction
- A transaction where you automatically or manually charge resource costs to a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- resource units applied
- A quantity you charge to a job or repetitive schedule for work performed by a resource. The quantity is expressed in the unit of measure of the resource. For example, if the unit of measure of a resource is hours and the resource works 10 hours, you apply 10 resource units to the job or repetitive schedule.
- resource UOM item
- A purchasing item associated with an outside resource that you purchase using the resource's unit of measure.
- result
- See action result.
- return material authorization (RMA)
- Permission for a customer to return items. Receivables allows you to authorize the return of your sales orders as well as sales made by other dealers or suppliers, as long as the items are part of your item master and price list.
- Return of Material Goods
- (RMG) See Return Material Authorization.
- return reason
- Justification for a return of product. Many companies have standard reasons that are assigned to returns to be used to analyze the quantity and types of returns. See also credit memo reasons.
- return to supplier
- A transaction that allows you to return to the supplier items from a fully or partially received purchase order and receive credit for them.
- revenue recognition
- The schedule for which revenue for a particular transaction is recorded in your general ledger.
- revenue sales credit
- Sales credit you assign to your salespeople that is based on your invoice lines. The total percentage of all revenue sales credit must be equal to 100% of your invoice lines amount. Also known as quota sales credits. See also non-revenue sales credit, sales credit.
- reversing transaction
- A transaction that reverses a previously processed material, move, resource, or overhead transaction.
- revised item
- Any item you change on an engineering change order. Revised items may be purchased items, subassemblies, finished goods.
- revision
- A particular version of an item, bill of material, or routing.
- revision control
- An inventory control option that tracks inventory by item revision and forces you to specify a revision for each material transaction.
- See request for quotation.
- See Return Material Authorization.
- (Return of Material Goods) See Return Material Authorization.
- roll forward
- An Oracle Manufacturing technique where you can automatically take the material you over issued to a particular repetitive schedule and move it forward into the next available repetitive schedule.
- route sheet
- A report that provides full routing, operation, resource, and material requirement details for jobs and repetitive schedules. Typically used to know how, when, where, and who builds an assembly. Also known as traveler.
- routing
- A sequence of manufacturing operations that you perform to manufacture an assembly. A routing consists of an item, a series of operations, an operation sequence, and operation effective dates.
- routing revision
- A specific version of a routing that specifies the operations that are active for a date range.
- routing-based capacity
- Capacity planning at the resource level. Required capacity, available capacity, and capacity utilization are calculated for individual resources assigned to operations on routings. Required and available capacity are stated in terms of hours per resource per week.
- run
- An intraoperation step where you move assemblies that you are working on at an operation.
- safety stock
- Quantity of stock planned to have in inventory to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply.
- Safety Stock (item attribute)
- An item attribute the planning process uses to decide whether to use fixed or dynamically calculated safety stock quantities when planning material requirements for the item. A value of MRP-planned percent means the planning process plans to safety stock quantities it calculates dynamically as a user-defined percentage of the average gross requirements for a user-defined number of days. The user-defined percentage is defined by the value you enter for the Safety Stock Percent attribute for the item. For discretely planned items, the user-defined number of days is defined by the value you enter for the Safety Stock Bucket Days attribute for the item. For repetitively planned items, the planning process uses the repetitive planning period rather than Safety Stock Bucket Days. These safety stock quantities are dynamic in that they vary as a function of the average gross requirements calculated by the planning process for the item. A value of Non-MRP planned means the planning process plans to safety stock quantities calculated and maintained in Inventory. These safety stock quantities are fixed in that the Snapshot loads them from Inventory before the planning process and they do not vary unless they are recalculated in Inventory.
- sales channel
- A term that indicates the method used to generate a sales order, such as Telemarketing or Direct Marketing. You can use this attribute of an order to classify orders for reporting purposes.
- sales credit Credits that you assign to your salespeople when you enter orders, invoices and commitments. Credits can be either quota or non-quota and can be used in determining commissions. See also non-revenue sales credit, revenue sales credit.
- sales tax structure
- The collection of taxing bodies that you will use to determine your tax authority. 'State.County.City' is an example of a Sales Tax Structure. Oracle Automotive adds together the tax rates for all of these components to determine a customer's total tax liability for an order.
- salesperson
A person responsible for the sale of products or services. Salespeople are associated with orders, returns, invoices, commitments, and customers. You can also assign sales credits to your salespeople.
- schedule date
- The date for a master schedule entry for an item. A schedule for an item has a schedule date and an associated quantity. For Order Entry, it is considered the date the order line should be ready to ship, the date communicated from Order Entry to Inventory as the required date any time you reserve or place demand for an order line.
- schedule group
- An identifier used to group jobs for scheduling and releasing purposes. For example, you might group together all jobs that must be completed on a specific date and are being built on the same production line. Jobs within a schedule group can be sequenced. See also build sequence
- scheduled resource
- A resource on a routing that is scheduled by Work in Process.
- scheduling
- Order scheduling includes assigning demand or reservations, warehouses, shipment dates, and lots or subinventories to an order line.
- scrap
- An intraoperation step where you move assemblies that cannot be reworked or completed.
- scrap account
- An account that you may use to charge scrap transactions.
- seasonality
- Repetitive pattern from year to year with demand for some periods considerably higher than others.
- security rules
- (Order Entry) The control over the steps in the order process where you no longer allow users to add, delete or cancel order or return lines or change order or return information.
- senior tax authority
- The first tax location in your sales tax structure. This segment does not have a parent location. For example, if your sales tax structure is 'State.County.City', then State is the senior tax authority.
- serial number
- A number assigned to each unit of an item and used to track the item.
- serial number control
- A manufacturing technique for enforcing use of serial numbers during a material transaction.
- serialized unit
- The unique combination of a serial number and an inventory item.
- service
- A benefit or privilege that can be applied to a product. Oracle Service categorizes the items you define as serviceable, thereby making them serviceable items. You can order or apply service to serviceable items.
- service item
- An inventory item used to define a service program or warranty. Service items can be recorded against serviceable products. A synonym for serviceable item is a serviceable product.
- service item feature
- A particular service component, such as implementation or telephone support, that you include with a service item. Once you classify an inventory item as a service type item and enter the service program related attributes for it, you can list the specific services your service item includes.
- service level
- Percentage of demand that can be filled immediately by available inventory. It is used to determine the amount of inventory to carry as safety stock.
- service material
- Material used for the repair and/or maintenance of an assembled product.
- service order
- An order containing service order lines. Service may be for new products or for existing, previously ordered products.
- serviceable item
- An inventory item that your organization supports and services, either directly or through the supplier of the item, regardless of who actually manufactures the item. A serviceable item can be an end item, both an end item and a component or part in other end items, or just a component.
- serviceable item class
- A category that groups serviceable items. Each class must be of the type Serialized or Non-Serialized. You can group serialized serviceable items in a serialized serviceable item class; you can group non-serialized serviceable items in a non-serialized serviceable item class. A given item may be the member of only one item class at any given time.
- serviced customer product
- An entity that identifies a service your customer has recorded against a particular product installation. If you order service against a product in Oracle Order Entry, Oracle Service automatically links the product and the service being recorded against the product by creating a serviced customer product. A customer product installation may have more than one serviced product.
- set of books
- A financial reporting entity that partitions General Ledger information and uses a particular chart of accounts, functional currency, and accounting calendar. This concept is the same whether or not the Multi-organization support feature is implemented.
- setup time
- The time required to for a machine or work center to convert from the production of one item to another.
- shelf life
- The amount of time an item may be held in inventory before it becomes unusable.
- shift
- A scheduled period of work for a department within an organization.
- ship confirm
- A feature that allows shipping personnel to verify that they have shipped or backordered the items of an order line.
- ship confirmation to enter shipped quantity and inventory controls for specific shippable lines. You can ship confirm the same delivery/departure repeatedly until you close the delivery/departure. Once it is closed, no more changes can be made into a delivery/departure.
- ship date
- The date upon which a shippable item is shipped.
- Ship Partial
- An order attribute indicating whether you allow partial shipments of an order. If you enter Yes for the Ship Partial field on an order, individual order lines can be shipped as they are available and you can assign different ship to locations and other order line details to different shipments in an order line. See also Ship Together.
- ship set
- A group of order lines, linked by a common number, for which you want the full quantity to ship all together.
- ship-to address
- A location where items are to be shipped.
- Ship Together
- An order attribute indicating that you do not allow partial shipments of the order. You can also specify a configuration as Ship Together by setting the Ship Model Complete item attribute for the model item to Yes. See also Ship Partial, ship together model.
- Ship Together model
- A model item with the Ship Model Complete item attribute set to Yes. This indicates that the entire configuration must be delivered in the same shipment. If the item attribute is set to No, components can ship separately. ATO items and configurations are inherently Ship Together models. See also ship set.
- ship via
- See freight carrier.
- shipment
- An individual package sent to a customer. Thus, a shipment might contain an entire order, if all items in that order are pick released and packed together. A shipment might contain just part of an order that is pick released and packed. A shipment might also contain only part of a released order line, where some of the items on the picking slip are not in stock.
- shipment priority
- A term that indicates the urgency with which an order should be shipped to the customer.
- shipment schedule
- An itemized list of when, how, where, and in what quantities to ship an order line.
- shippable item
- An item with the Shippable inventory item attribute set to Yes, indicating that this item will appear on pick slips and pack slips. See also intangible item.
- shippable lines
Picking line details that have been pick released and are now eligible for Ship Confirm.
- shipping documents
- Shipping related reports, such as the Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Mailing Label, Pack Slip, Vehicle Load Sheet Summary, and Waybill.
- shipping instructions
- Notes that print on the pick slip. These instructions are intended for internal use.
- shop floor status
- An Oracle Manufacturing function that lets you restrict movement of assemblies at an operation and intraoperation step within a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- shortage
- An open requirement with no inventory in the organization to support the requirement.
- shrinkage rate
- The percentage on a parent assembly expected to be scrapped in work in process.
- SIC code
(Standard Industry Classification Code) A standard classification created by the government used to categorize your customers.
- simulated job
- Job used to evaluate the availability of material and resources required for a potential discrete job based on the job quantity and need date for the assembly.
- simulation schedule
- Unofficial schedules for personal use that contain the most current scheduled item information. You can print Simulation schedules, but you cannot confirm or send them via EDI.
- simulation set
- A group of capacity modifications for resource shifts to simulate, plan, or schedule capacity.
- single level variance
- A work in process variance that is the difference between the standard cost of an assembly and the actual charges to a standard jobs or repetitive schedules distributed by structure level. This variance looks at the assembly cost for the resource and overhead standard cost at the top level and compares them to the actual resource and overhead costs charged to the standard job or repetitive schedule. All other costs material, material overhead, outside processing, resource and overhead costs from lower level assemblies are included in the material usage variance calculation.
- site use See business purpose.
- soft reservation
- The planning process considers sales order demand soft reservation.
- sourcing
- The action of identifying a purchasing source or supplier for goods or services. To identify the best sources for your purchases, you can create RFQs that you send to your suppliers, enter quotations from your supplier, and evaluate these quotations for each item you purchase.
- split amount
A dollar amount that determines the number of invoices over and under this amount, as well as the total amounts remaining. For example, your company generates invoices that are either $300 or $500. You choose $400 as your split amount so that you can review how much of your open receivables are comprised of your $300 business and how much corresponds to your $500 business.
- spot exchange rate
- A daily exchange rate you use to perform foreign currency conversion. The spot exchange rate is usually a quoted market rate that applies to the immediate delivery of one currency for another.
- standard actions
- Order Entry provides a selection of predefined actions, called standard actions. Use these actions, along with those you define yourself, to create your customized order cycles. See also cycle action, order cycle.
- standard bill of material
- A bill of material for a standard item, such as a manufactured product or assembly.
- standard component
A mandatory component used to assemble an ATO (assemble-to-order) item or configuration.
- standard comments
- Standard text you can assign to discrete jobs or repetitive schedules. Special instructions or details specific to a particular job or circumstance.
- standard costing
- A costing method where a predetermined standard cost is used for charging material, resource, overhead, period close, job close, and cost update transactions and valuing inventory. Any deviation in actual costs from the predetermined standard is recorded as a variance.
- standard discrete job
- A type of discrete job that controls material and resources for standard production assemblies.
- standard item
- Any item that can have a bill or be a component on a bill except planning items, option classes, or models. Standard items include purchased items, subassemblies, and finished products.
- standard note
- A routine message you can predefine and automatically or manually attach to orders, returns, order lines, and return lines to convey important information. See also one-time note, automatic note.
- standard operation
- A commonly used operation you can define as a template for use in defining future routing operations.
- standard purchase order
- A type of purchase order you issue when you order delivery of goods or services for specific dates and locations for your company. Each standard purchase order line can have multiple shipments and you can distribute the quantity of each shipment across multiple accounts. See purchase order
- standard rate
- The frozen standard unit cost for a resource.
- standard value
- The default value Order Entry automatically places in an attribute to improve the efficiency and accuracy with which you enter an order. The standard value for an attribute is frequently based on other values in the order. See also attribute, default value, object, standard value rule set.
- standard value rule set
- A collection of attributes and associated standard value sources. You associate a rule set with an order type to control the source and priority of default information on the Sales Orders window. See also attribute, default value, object, order type.
- standard value source
- The attribute or value Oracle Automotive uses to provide a standard value or default for an order attribute.
- status
- See customer status.
- start date
- The date you plan to begin production of assemblies in a discrete job.
- statistical forecasting
- A mathematical analysis of past transaction history, last forecast quantities, and/or information specified by the user to determine expected demand.
- subassembly
- An assembly used as a component in a higher level assembly.
- subinventory
- Subdivision of an organization, representing either a physical area or a logical grouping of items, such as a storeroom or receiving dock.
- substitute item
- An item that can be used in place of a component. Master Scheduling/MRP suggests substitutes items on some reports.
- suggested repetitive schedule
- The schedule for an individual production line for a specific item that is derived from the Suggested aggregate schedule. MRP divides the suggested aggregate schedule for a specific line and item based on the production line attributes: priority, minimum and maximum rates.
- supplier
- Provider of goods or services.
- supplier requirement
- See supplier sourced component
- supplier sourced component
- A component item on a bill of material supplied to work in process directly by a supplier.
- supply
- A quantity of materials available for use. Supply is replenished in response to demand or anticipated demand.
- supply locator
- The specific location, such as shelves or containers, within a supply subinventory that you use as the default locator in a material transaction.
- supply reserved
- A schedule status showing that Oracle Work in Process (WIP) has recognized the demand for an item or configuration and opened a work order to supply the demand. Once the work order is complete and the finished product is received in inventory, WIP transfers a reservation for the finished product to the sales order. The schedule status for the order line or order line detail is then changed to be Reserved.
- supply subinventory
- The subinventory you use as a primary source of supply to meet a specific material requirement in a discrete job or repetitive schedule. In Release 9, this is the backflush subinventory for pull material or the primary issue subinventory for push material.
- supply type
- A bill of material component field that controls issue transactions from inventory to work in process. Supply types supported by Work in Process include: Push, Assembly pull, Operation pull, Bulk, Supplier, Phantom, and Based on bill.
- System Items Flexfield
- A flexfield that allows you to define the structure of your item identifier according to your business requirements. You can choose the number and order of segments (such as product and product line), the length of each segment, and much more. You can define up to twenty segments for your item. Also known as Item Flexfield.
- tax authority
- tax codes
Codes to which you assign sales tax or value-added tax rates. Oracle Receivables lets you choose state codes as the tax code when you define sales tax rates for the United States.
- tax exempt
A customer, business purpose, or item free from tax charges.
- tax location
- A specific tax location within your tax authority. For example 'Redwood Shores' is a tax location in the Tax Authority (California.San Mateo.Redwood Shores).
- tare weight The weight of an item, excluding packaging or included items.
- teardown time
- The time required to clean up or restore a machine or work center after operation.
- territory
- A feature that lets you categorize your customers or salespeople. For example, you can group your customers by geographic region or industry type.
- Territory Flexfield
- A key flexfield you can use to categorize customers and salespersons.
- this level costs
- The cost or value added at the current level of an assembly. Resource, outside processing and overhead costs are examples of this level costs. Material is always a previous level cost.
- time fence
- A policy or guideline established to note where various restrictions or changes in operating procedures take place. The planning process cannot create or reschedule orders within the planning time fence. This gives the planner the ability to stabilize the plan and thereby minimizing the nervousness of the system.
- to move
- An intraoperation step where assemblies can either be completed to a subinventory or wait to be moved to another operation.
- tolerance percentage
- The percentage amount by which customers are allowed to exceed their credit limit and still pass the credit check.
- total lead time
- An item's fixed lead time plus the variable lead time multiplied by the order quantity. For lead time calculations, Bills of Material sets the order quantity to the item's standard or lead time lot size. The planning process uses the total lead time for an item in its scheduling logic to calculate order start dates from order due dates.
- trading partner
- Any company that sends and receives documents via EDI.
- transaction cost
- The cost per unit at which the transaction quantity is valued.
- transaction date
- The date you enter and Oracle Manufacturing maintains for any manufacturing transaction. The date must fall within an open accounting period and be greater than the release date for transactions on a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- transaction interface
- An open interface table through which you can import transactions. See open interface.
- transaction manager
- A concurrent program that controls your manufacturing transactions.
- transaction quantity
- The quantity of a transaction.
- transaction set
- A complete business document such as an invoice, a purchase order, or a remittance advice. Synonym for document or message.
- transaction set line item area
- The line item area encompasses the actual business transaction set and includes information, such as quantities, descriptions, and prices.
- transaction set summary area
- The summary area contains control information and other data that relate to the total transaction.
- transaction type
- transaction worker
- An independent concurrent process launched by a transaction manager to validate and process your manufacturing transactions.
- traveler
- See route sheet.
- two-level master scheduling
- A technique that facilitates the forecast explosion of product groupings into related master production schedules. The top-level MPS is usually defined for a product line, family or end product while the second-level is defined for key options and components.
- ultimate ship-to location The final destination of a shipment.
- unit of measure
- The unit that the quantity of an item is expressed.
- unit of measure class
- A group of units of measure and their corresponding base unit of measure. The standard unit classes are Length, Weight, Volume, Area, Time, and Pack.
- unit of measure conversions
- Numerical factors that enable you to perform transactions in units other than the primary unit of the item being transacted.
- unreleased job/schedule
- A discrete job or repetitive schedule planned but not released for work to begin and not yet transactable.
- unreleased lines Order line details that are unfulfilled by Pick Release.
- unscheduling
- The removal of the schedule status for an order line or detail if a line or detail is either demanded or reserved; unscheduling will return the status to blank.
- See unit of measure.
- usage quantity
- The quantity of a component, including component yield required to produce one assembly in a discrete job or repetitive schedule as stated on the bill of materials.
- usage rate
- The amount of a resource consumed at an operation.
- usage variance
- A quantity variance defined as the difference between the amount of material required at standard and the actual amount you use to manufacture an assembly.
- use-up item
- A revised component whose MRP-planned order date and lead time offset determine the effective date of the revised item.
- valuation account
- Your inventory and work in process asset accounts set up in Inventory, Work in Process, and Purchasing.
- value
- Data you enter in a parameter. A value can be a date, a name, or a code, depending on the parameter.
- value added
- See outside processing
- VAN(S)
- Value Added Network (Supplier).
- variable lead time
- The time required to produce one additional unit of an assembly. To compute an item's total lead time multiply variable lead time by order quantity, and add an item's fixed lead time.
- variance
- An accounting term used to express the difference between an expected cost and an actual cost. A variance can be favorable or unfavorable. Variances are usually written directly to the income statement as a period expense.
- variance account
- An account where you record your variance charges. You can maintain several variance accounts in your work in process system, depending on what you are charging and which class you use.
- vendor
- See supplier.
- warehouse
- See organization.
- waybill
- A document containing a list of goods and shipping instructions relative to a shipment.
- waybill number
- The number associated with a waybill that you record for the shipping batch at ship confirmation.
- See work in process.
- WIP accounting class
- A set of accounts that you use to charge the production of an assembly. You assign accounting classes to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules. Each accounting class includes distribution accounts and variance accounts. Also used in cost reporting.
- WIP move resource
- A resource automatically charged to a discrete job or repetitive schedule by a move transaction. Resources are automatically charged when a forward move occurs, or uncharged when a backward move occurs.
- wire
- A payment method where you pay invoices by notifying your bank to debit your account and credit your suppliers account.
- work in process
- An item in various phases of production in a manufacturing plant. This includes raw material awaiting processing up to final assemblies ready to be received into inventory.
- workday calendar
- A calendar that identifies available workdays for one or more organizations. Master Scheduling/MRP, Inventory, Work in Process, and Capacity plan and schedule activities based on a calendar's available workdays.
- workday exception set
- An entity that defines mutually exclusive sets of workday exceptions. For each organization, you can specify a workday calendar and exception set.
- workday exceptions
- Dates that define plant or shift workday variations, including holidays, scheduled maintenance, or extended downtime.
- worker
- An independent concurrent process that executes specific tasks. Programs using workers to break large tasks into smaller ones must coordinate the actions of the workers.
- WP4
- Working Party 4 on the facilitation of international trade procedures of the Economic Commission for Europe, a commission of the United Nations. Working Party 4 has experts on data elements and interchange, and on trade procedures.
- X12
- ANSI standard for inter-industry electronic interchange of business transactions.
- X.400
- International standard (in development) for message transmission.
- yield
- See component yield