Allowing Access to an Object
In the Access tab page, the 'Range of Editable Access Levels' indicator bar provides a relative indication of the range of access levels that can edit the object. The shaded area represents the access levels that can edit the object, while the vertical bar represents your current access level. See: Overview of Oracle Workflow Access Protection.
The indicator bar can be shaded solid red, or shaded with any combination of solid red and crosshatch red. If the "Allow modifications of customized objects" checkbox in the "About Oracle Workflow Builder" dialog box of the Help menu is:
- Checked--The range of editable access levels can appear as a combination of solid red and crosshatch red areas. The levels depicted by red crosshatches represent levels that usually cannot modify customized objects, but can now do so because Oracle Workflow Builder is operating in 'upload' mode. Upload mode means that Oracle Workflow Builder can save your edits, overwriting any protected objects that you have access to modify as well as any previously customized objects.
- Unchecked--The range of editable access levels appears as a solid red area. This indicates that when you save your work, Oracle Workflow Builder is operating in 'upgrade' mode, only saving edits to protected objects that you have access to change and leaving objects that have been previously customized untouched.