Oracle Workflow roles are stored in the database, in the Oracle Workflow directory service. Currently, new workflow roles cannot be created in Oracle Workflow Builder, but Oracle Workflow Builder can reference the roles stored in a database.
One example of how roles are referenced in Oracle Workflow Builder is when you include a notification activity in a process. You must assign that activity to a performer. The performer can be a designated role or an item type attribute that dynamically returns a role. To assign a performer to a role, you must initially load the roles from your Oracle Workflow database into your Oracle Workflow Builder session. See: Setting Up an Oracle Workflow Directory Service and To Define Nodes in a Process.
Note: Referencing roles in a workflow process is currently supported in Oracle Workflow Builder, although the Roles tab page seen in the property pages of certain workflow objects will not be supported until a future release. The purpose of the Roles tab page is to give a role access to a certain object.
To Load Roles
2. Choose from the File menu, Load Roles from Database. A Role Selection window appears. You can enter search criteria in the Find Roles field to find a subset of roles, or just choose Find without specifying any search criteria to identify all roles. The Role Selection window finds the roles you specify and displays them in the Query Results list box.
Enter standard SQL query syntax as search criteria in the Find Roles field. The field automatically appends % to the end of any search criteria.
3. Select the roles you want to load from the Query Results list and choose Add to add them to the Loaded Roles list. Alternatively, just choose Add All to add all the roles in the Query Results list to the Loaded Roles list. Choose OK to load the selected roles into Oracle Workflow Builder and make them available to the objects in your open item type.
The objects that need to reference role information contain specific fields in their property pages. These fields are poplist fields that display the list of roles you loaded from the database, as shown in the following Process Activity property page.
4. When you select a role from one of these poplist fields, you can also choose the Edit button to the right of the field to display the property sheet of the selected role.
Note: When you reopen a saved process definition in Oracle Workflow Builder, any role information that the process references automatically gets loaded even if you open the process definition from a file and are not connected to the database.