Identifying the Oracle Workflow Administration Role
You can specify who has administrator privileges in Oracle Workflow by defining an Oracle Workflow administration role. Any user in the administration role can run the Oracle Workflow Find Processes web page, which provides full access to Oracle Workflow's administration features. In addition, any user in the administration role can view any other user's notifications. See: Setting Up an Oracle Workflow Directory Service.
To define the Oracle Workflow administration role
1. Edit the file wfcfg.msg as follows:
WFTKN WF_ADMIN_ROLE 0 <role_name>
Replace <role_name> with the internal name of a role defined in the Oracle Workflow directory service. For example:
Any user associated with this role will have full workflow administration privileges.
Note: If you are using the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, the file wfcfg.msg is located in the resource/<language> subdirectory under $FND_TOP. If you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, the file is located in the Oracle Workflow server res/<language> subdirectory.
2. If you want all users and roles to have workflow administration privileges, such as in a development environment, replace <role_name> with an asterisk (*) as follows: