Oracle Workflow Builder Toolbars
Oracle Workflow Builder displays a toolbar in both the Navigator window and Process window.
Navigator Toolbar
The Navigator toolbar includes the following buttons which apply only to objects selected from the navigator tree:
New Store--Creates a new data store branch in the navigator tree.
Open--Displays the Open window to open stored item types from a file or database.
Save--Saves any changes in the selected data store to the currently connected database or file. Displays the Open window to let you connect to a database or file if the selected data store is not connected to a database or file.
Delete--Deletes the selected object.
Properties--Shows the property pages of the selected object.
Copy--Copy the selected object.
Paste--Paste the copied object into the current object branch.
Find--Display the Search window to specify the search criteria to locate an object in the navigator tree.
Help--Displays help on how to use Oracle Workflow.
New Object--Creates a new object depending on the object branch you select (item type, Processes, Notifications, Functions, Messages, or Lookup Types) by displaying the property page for that object type.
Process Window Toolbar
The process window toolbar includes the following buttons which apply only to objects selected the current process window:
New Store--Creates a new data store branch in the navigator tree.
Open--Displays the Open window to open stored item types from a file or database.
Save--Saves any changes in the selected data store to the currently connected database or file. Displays the Open window to let you connect to a database or file if the selected data store is not connected to a database or file.
Delete--Deletes the selected object.
Properties--Shows the property pages of the selected object.
Find--Displays the process Overview window.
Help--Displays help on how to use Oracle Workflow.