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function SendGroup

(role in varchar2,
 msg_type in varchar2,
 msg_name in varchar2,
 due_date in date default null,
 callback in varchar2 default null,
 context in varchar2 default null,
 send_comment in varchar2 default null
 priority in number default null)
return number;


This function sends a separate notification to all the users assigned to a specific role and returns a number called a notification group ID, if successful. The notification group ID identifies that group of users and the notification they each received.

If your message has message attributes of source SEND or RESPOND, the procedure looks up the values of the attributes from the message attribute table or it can use an optionally supplied callback interface function to get the value from the item type attributes table. A callback function can also be used when a notification is responded to. See: Send.

Generally, this function is called only if a notification activity has 'Expanded Roles' checked in its properties page. If Expanded Roles is not checked, then the Send( ) function is called instead. See: Voting Activity.

Arguments (input)

roleThe role name assigned as the performer of the notification activity.
msg_type The item type associated with the message.
msg_name The message internal name.
due_date The date that a response is required. This optional due date is only for the recipient's information; it has no effect on processing.
callback The callback function name used for communication of SEND and RESPOND source message attributes.
context Context information passed to the callback function.
send_comment A comment presented with the message.
priority The priority of the message, as derived from the #PRIORITY notification activity attribute. If #PRIORITY does not exist or if the value is null, the Workflow Engine uses the default priority of the message.

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