Reviewing Notifications in the Notification Viewer (for Oracle Applications Users Only)
The Notification Viewer is an Oracle Applications form function. To display the Notification Viewer (or "Personal Inbox"), an Oracle Applications System Administrator or Oracle Applications developer must add this form function to the Navigate menu of a user's responsibility or call this form function from another Oracle Applications form. The Notification Viewer developer form name is FNDWFNOT and its function name is FND_FNDWFNOT. See: Overview of Function Security and Overview of Menus and Function Security, Oracle Applications Developer's Guide.
The Notifications Summary window lists all the notifications sent to you. By default, the window queries only open notifications, but you can choose to show all of your notifications.
The fields and prompts on this folder window can be customized. You can drill down on the current record indicator to view details of an individual notification. The body of the message appears in the overflow region at the bottom of the screen. See: Customizing the Presentation of Data in a Folder.
When you select a notification record in the Notifications Summary window, the Notifications window appears, listing the details of that notification. From the Notifications window you can:
- Reassign the notification to another user.
- Respond to the notification or close the notification if it does not require a response.
- Drill down to another Oracle Applications window associated with the notification if icons exist in the References region.
If the notification was reassigned or forwarded from another user, the Comment field may include comments entered by that user.
See Also
To Reassign a Notification to Another User
To Respond to a Notification
To Drill Down to a Form or URL Associated with a Notification