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Implementation Steps: Training Resources and Skills Flexfields Setup

The flexfield steps are usually performed by the System Administrator. Sign on to the system using your System Administrator username and password. Contact your DBA if you do not know this information.

Define Training Resources and Skills Key Flexfields

Step 4 Specify Key Flexfield Structures

Attention: If you have Oracle Human Resources and OTA installed in your enterprise, and you want to hold the qualifications, attributes and knowledge that students attain by attending training activities as competencies, you do not need to define the Personal Analysis flexfield. If you only have OTA, or if you want to hold the qualifications, attributes and knowledge as skills, you must define the Personal Analysis flexfield.

There are two Key Flexfield Structures you must define before you can use Oracle Training Administration. These are:

If you do not have Oracle Financials in your enterprise, you also need to define an accounting flexfield. If you already have Oracle Financials, the flexfield already exists.

Before you begin your implementation of these key flexfields you must clearly specify your requirements. This specification must include the following details for each key flexfield:

The sequence which you follow to implement each Flexfield is:

Training Resources

Resources are any facilities, people, or equipment that you need to book to run an event.

See: Resources.

Step 5 Define Training Resource Key Flexfield Structure

The sub-steps that follow show you how to perform all these steps.

Step 6 Define Resource Types

You define resource types as values for the QuickCode Type RESOURCE_TYPE. The type of a resource determines the information you can enter about the resource. Two types are seeded: Venue and Trainer.

See: Adding QuickCode Values

Step 7 Enter Trainers

Depending on how you have set up the Training Resource key flexfield structure for the Trainer resource type, you may need to enter trainers on the system before you can select them as resources.

For example, if you are implementing Oracle Human Resources and most of your trainers are internal, you should enter them as employees using the HR Person form. Your Trainer flexfield structure is likely to contain a Name segment that uses a value set based on the HR People table (PER_PEOPLE_X).

If most of your trainers are external, you might prefer to enter them as contacts for a supplier. In this case, your Trainer flexfield structure should contain a Name segment that uses a value set based on the Supplier Contacts table (PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS).

See: Resources

Step 8 Enter Resources

Use the Resources form to enter specific trainers, venues, and stocks of equipment available from your suppliers.

See: Entering Resources


You can use skill types in Oracle Human Resources to record the skills held by employees and applicants and the skill requirements of jobs and positions if you are not using the competence approach. If you have Oracle Human Resources and OTA installed in your enterprise, and you are using the competence approach, you do not need to define the Personal Analysis flexfield.

You can, however, set up other structures of the Personal Analysis key flexfield to record other special personal information in Oracle Human Resources if you want.

See: Skills Information

Step 9 Define Personal Analysis Key Flexfield Structures

The Personal Analysis Key Flexfield is used to set up skills types to record the qualifications, competences and experience that students can expect to attain by attending training courses. Each type of information is defined as a separate Structure of the flexfield. Typical examples could be foreign language skills and professional qualifications.

This flexfield is used in the following areas:

To take best advantage of the flexibility of Oracle Training Administration for recording and reporting special personal information in your enterprise the implementation sequence which you follow is:

The sub-steps that follow show you how to perform all these steps.

Step 10 Register Special Information Types for the Business Group

After you have defined your Personal Analysis Flexfield Structures you must link them to your Business Group.

For each information type, select one or more categories to control on which windows the information type is visible. The categories you see depend upon which products you have installed:

See: Enabling Special Information Types


Step 11 Define Dummy Accounting Key Flexfield Structure

Attention: You need to create a dummy Accounting Flexfield Structure if you do not have Oracle Financials in your enterprise. You need this dummy structure for Suppliers and Customers windows to operate. If you already have Oracle Financials, the flexfield structure you require already exists.

Note: You must create the value sets with the validation type Independent.

Value Set Format Type Maximum Size

Note: You must check the Allow Dynamic Inserts box.

Segment Number Segment Name Column Value Set

Segment Flexfield Qualifier Check the Enable Box:
Company Cost Center Segment NO
  Natural Account Segment NO
  Balancing Segment YES
Department Cost Center Segment NO
  Natural Account Segment NO
  Balancing Segment NO
Account Cost Center Segment NO
  Natural Account Segment YES
  Balancing Segment NO

Value Set Code Description   Qualifiers  
      Budgetting Posting Account Type
COTA_COMPANY 000 Company 000 Yes Yes N/A
COTA_DEPT 000 Dept 000 Yes Yes N/A
COTA_ACCOUNT 000 Account 000 Yes Yes Liability

Define Descriptive Flexfields

Step 12 Specify Descriptive Flexfield Contexts for Additional Details

Use descriptive flexfields in Oracle Training Administration to define your own additional fields to the standard windows. For example, if you want to record a Cost Center for any internal student enrollment, you can define a segment of the Additional Enrollment Details flexfield to record this information.

See: User Definable Descriptive Flexfields

Attention: The descriptive flexfield is defined at the level of the base-table. This means that any window which uses the base-table will display the same descriptive flexfield segments.

For each descriptive flexfield, specify your requirements, including the following details:

You can define two types of descriptive flexfield Segments:

Suggestion: Often you can choose between using a code, a 'base-table' field, and a field which contains a meaning or description. You should always use base-table fields as reference fields for Context-Sensitive segments. These fields usually have the same name as the column in the base table.

Some of the Standard Reports supplied with the system include descriptive segment values. If you follow this suggestion, these reports will be able to use the prompts you define; otherwise they will apply a generic prompt to the data.

Step 13 Define Descriptive Flexfields

To implement each descriptive flexfield:

Note: Value Sets can be shared by different segments of the same flexfield, or by segments of any other flexfield.

You do not need to use a Value Set to validate a segment. If you do not specify a Value Set then a user can enter any alphanumeric value up to a limit of 150 characters.

Attention: If you define a segment as 'Required', it will be required for every record on the system. There are two common problems you can encounter:

See: Defining Segment Values

See Also

Next Implementation Step: Organizations

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