Defining Financials Options for Oracle Training Administration
Use the Financials Options window to set up your financials options. You only need to define financials options if you do not have Oracle Financials in your enterprise.
Note: This form is shared with other Oracle Applications. Oracle Training Administration does not use some of the fields in this form.
To define financials options:
1. Enter 1 in the Future Period Limit field (in the Accounting region).
2. Ensure that 000.000.000 is displayed in the following fields:
3. Enter OTA DEMO Business Group (in the Human Resources region).
4. Select Home in the Expense Check Address region.
5. Select Automatic as the payment method and enter 5 in Next Automatic Number.
6. Select Check payment as the payment method (in the Supplier - Payables region).
7. Select any Ship to Location (in the Supplier - Purchasing region).
See Also
Defining System Options for Oracle Training Administration