Defining System Options for Oracle Training Administration
Use the System Options window to set up your system options. You only need to define financials options if you do not have Oracle Financials in your enterprise.
Note: This form is shared with other Oracle Applications. Oracle Training Administration does not use some of the fields in this form.
To define system options:
1. Ensure that the Accounting region is displayed.
2. Enter Cash Basis as the accounting method.
3. Enter OTA set of Books as the name.
4. Select 000.000.000 in the following fields:
Oracle Training Administration displays a default number of days per posting cycle and Company000.Dept000.Account000 is in the Tax field.
Entering Tax Information
5. Select Sales as the method of paying tax.
6. Select No Validation - Country as the location flexfield structure.
7. Select No Validation as the address validation.
8. Select Total Tax Only for printing invoices.
Oracle Training Administration displays 00000 to 99999-99999 as the postal code range and 1000 as the tax cache size. Leave these values as they are.
Entering Invoices and Customers Information
9. Select DEFAULT as the grouping rule name.
Oracle Training Administration displays 65535 as the maximum memory in bytes and 0 as the log file message level. Leave these values as they are.
Entering Miscellaneous Information
10. Enter 5000 as the split amount.
11. Enter 90 as the number of days in the DSO calculation.
Oracle Training Administration displays 1000 as the auto receipts invoices/receipts per customer. Leave this value as it is.
12. Select Open Invoice Due Date as the chargeback due date.
13. Select None as the source of territory.