Creating a Customer
In Oracle Training Administration, you set up as customers all the external organizations for which you run events and enroll students. This includes:
- the names and addresses where students work, or through which they can be contacted
- the names and addresses to appear on invoices for student enrollments
- any third party agencies through whom you handle enrollments
- the enterprises for which you run restricted events and those for which you create special enrollment agreements
You must also set up your internal organizations as customers if:
- You do not use Oracle Human Resources and you want to enroll internal students. You enter your employees as contacts for these customers.
- You use Oracle Human Resources but you want to create finance headers for your internal organizations to facilitate internal cross-charging for enrollments.
You create and maintain customer names, addresses and contacts in the Customers window.
Note: The Customers window is shared with other Oracle Applications. Oracle Training Administration does not use some of the fields in this window, including Classifications and Contact Roles.
If you plan to use customers in other Oracle Applications, refer to the full documentation on this window.
See: Customers
To enter a new customer:
1. Enter the customer name and a unique customer number.
Depending on your setup options, the customer number may be entered for you automatically.
3. Choose the New button.
Oracle Training Administration opens the Customer Addresses window for your new customer.
5. Enter the address details. Some of the address components may be required if you are using address validation.
The Business Purposes fields are not used by Oracle Training Administration.
Oracle Training Administration enter a unique reference number for the customer at that address.
7. Select the Contacts: Telephones region and enter the names and telephone numbers of as many contacts as you require for this customer. If you enter a telephone number, you must select a Type, such as General or Fax.
8. Ensure that the Active box remains checked for all active contacts.
10. Select the Contacts: Roles region and select a role description for the contacts in the Description field. Ensure that the Active box remains checked for all active roles.
Customizing the Customer Form
System administrators can use function security to control which alternative regions of this form are displayed. They can specify parameters when defining menus to control which alternative region is visible when you first open the window.
See: Function Security in Oracle Receivables