Creating an Activity
Use the Activities window to create training activities.
To create an activity:
1. Enter a name and description for the activity type.
2. Uncheck the Concurrent Activities box if you want to prevent the creation of multiple activities of this type with overlapping validity dates. If you uncheck the Concurrent Activities check box, you cannot create an activity with validity dates that overlap another activity of this type.
3. Enter a name and description for this activity. It is this name (not the activity type name) that you see elsewhere in Oracle Training Administration.
4. Enter the validity dates for the activity. You must enter the start date, but the end date is optional.
You cannot run events for the activity earlier than the start date or later than the end date.
5. Enter the intended audience for this activity and the activity objectives.
6. Select the supplier of the activity.
7. Select the organization that sponsors (administers) the activity, and select the name of the manager responsible for it.
8. Select a language and status for the activity, if appropriate.
The status is for information and reporting only. Use the validity dates, not the status, to control whether events can be created for the activity.
9. Select the measure you use to determine successful completion of the activity (such as "Satisfactory Attendance" or "Pass Examination" or "Positive Appraisal") in the Success Criteria field.
10. Check the Allow Expenses box if you want to allow internal student to claim expenses against events scheduled for this activity.
This is for information only.
11. Enter the minimum and maximum number of students required to run the activity, and the maximum number of internal students. These provide a default when you create events for the activity.
12. Select a currency and enter the budget for running events for this activity if you want to hold cost information. You can also enter the actual cost.
13. Enter the normal duration of the activity. This provides a default for events based on the activity.
14. Select the type and amount of credits that can be awarded if successful completion of this activity entitles students to accumulate professional credits.
Performing the Next Steps: