Delivering Competencies Through Training Activities
You can deliver competencies at a specific proficiency level through training activities your enterprise (or an outside supplier) provides. A training activity is an abstract term for any planned undertaking that improves a student's competencies (qualifications, experience, and so on).
You can enter the competencies and proficiency levels that your training activities are expected to deliver using the Delivered Competencies window. You can then update a person's Personal Competence Profile after they have successfully gained the competence.
To enter the competencies delivered by an activity:
1. Enter or query the activity in the Activities window.
2. Choose the Competencies button.
3. Select the competence delivered by the activity.
4. Select the proficiency level at which the competence is delivered by the activity.
5. Enter the dates between which the competence is valid. You must enter a From date but you can leave the To date blank.
6. Continue to enter competencies and proficiency levels for the activity, then save your changes.
See Also
Entering the Resource Requirements of Activities.
Using Competencies or Skills.