Setting Up Enrollment Status Security
Set up enrollment status security if you want to prevent users with specific responsibilities from entering, updating or deleting enrollments of a certain status(es). For example, your enterprise might use responsibility to allow all users to request enrollments, but allow only the course administrator to place an enrollment.
How Does Enrollment Status Security Work?
Once you set up enrollment status security, users with a specific responsibility are unable to enter, update or delete enrollments of a certain status(es).
How to Set Up Enrollment Status Security
Use the Booking Status Exclusions window to select the responsibility and the enrollment statuses that users of this responsibility cannot select.
To set up enrollment status security:
1. Query the responsibility for which you want to prevent users from entering and updating enrollments.
2. Select the enrollment status that you want to prevent this responsibility from entering and updating.
3. Continue to enter enrollment statuses that you want to prevent this responsibility from entering and updating, if required, then save your changes.
See Also
Setting Up Organization Security
Setting Up Financial Security