Maintaining Summary Amounts
Oracle Projects maintains amounts for each of the to-date values of Period-to-Date (PTD), Prior Period (PP), Year-to-Date (YTD), and Inception-to-Date (ITD), in addition to total (at project completion) budget amounts.
All amounts are held at the project, task, and resource levels except for non-labor quantities. Labor hours are summarized to the project and task levels based on the labor resource amounts. All other quantities that are not labor hours are summarized only to the resource level.
Actual Cost Amounts
Oracle Projects summarizes the following cost amounts for expenditure items after the items are costed:
- Billable Raw Cost (for contract projects only)
- Capitalizable Raw Cost (for capital projects only)
- Billable Burdened Cost (for contract projects only)
- Capitalizable Burdened Cost (for capital projects only)
- Billable Labor Hours (for contract projects only)
- Actuals Quantity (for resources only)
- Billable Quantity (for resources only; for contract projects only)
Actual Revenue Amounts
Oracle Projects summarizes the following revenue amounts for billable expenditure items and events on contract projects after the revenue is released:
Budget Amounts
Oracle Projects summarizes budget amounts for the to-date values, in addition to total (at project completion) budget amounts, using the current and original budget versions of each budget type. When you run the Update Project Summary Amounts process, Oracle Projects deletes all previously summarized cost and revenue budget amounts and recreates the new budget to-date and total amounts.
Cost Budget Amounts
- Current Budget Burdened Cost
- Original Budget Burdened Cost
- Current Budget Cost Labor Hours
- Original Budget Cost Labor Hours
- Current Budget Cost Quantity (for resources only)
- Original Budget Cost Quantity(for resources only)
Revenue Budget Amounts
- Current Budget Revenue Labor Hours
- Original Budget Revenue Labor Hours
- Current Budget Revenue Quantity (for resources only)
- Original Budget Revenue Quantity (for resources only)
Reconciling Budget Periods to Summarization Periods
If a budget period does not match the summarization period or the budget is not time-phased, the summarization process must apportion the budget amounts into the summarization periods.
If a budget is not time-phased, Oracle Projects determines the budget start and end dates based on the project or task start and end dates, as illustrated in the following table:
| Project Start and End Dates
Task (where start and end dates have been entered for the task)
| Task Start and End Dates
Task (where start and end dates have not been entered for the task)
| Project Start and End Dates
Reconciling Summarization by PA Period
If summarization is by PA period, the summarization process divides the amounts into PA periods. If a budget period spans PA periods, the process prorates the amounts by day.
Reconciling Summarization by GL Period
If summarization is by GL period, the summarization process uses the following logic:
1. Divide the amounts into PA periods, prorating the amounts by day if a budget period spans PA periods.
2. Summarize the amounts in the GL period that includes the ending date of the PA period determined in step 1. This process is illustrated in the following diagram:
See Also
Implementation Options: Summarization Period Type
Commitment Amounts
Oracle Projects maintains the summary commitment amounts, by taking a snapshot of the commitments when the summarization is done; the commitment summary amounts are deleted and recreated.
See Also
Define Budget Types
Drilling Down to Commitment Details