Drilling Down to Actuals, Commitments, and Events Detail
The following drilldown options are available for actuals, commitments, and events detail in the Task and Resource Status windows:
- You can drill down to see supporting actuals details for the project summary amounts as of the project's last reporting period.
- You can drill down to see supporting commitment details for the commitment summary amounts.
- You can drill down to see supporting revenue details, including expenditure items and events, for the project revenue summary amounts irrespective of time period.
- You can drill down from the Task Status window to the Oracle Payables Invoice Overview form.
Table 1 - 65 illustrates from which status windows you can drill down to actuals, commitments, and events detail, and any drilldown restrictions imposed by each window. The drilldown to events is only available for contract projects with Oracle Project Billing.
To review actuals details for a task or resource:
1. Navigate to the Project Status window.
2. Find the project(s) you want in the Find Project Status window.
3. Choose the Actuals button from either the Task Status or Resource Status window.
Use the Find Expenditure Items window to reduce the number of expenditure items that appear in the Expenditure Item Details window.
Oracle Projects displays expenditure items incurred in the last period that the summary amounts were updated for the project. To view expenditure items from prior periods in the Expenditure Items window, change the default date range using the Find Expenditure Items window.
To drill down to the Oracle Payables Invoice Overview form:
1. Navigate to the Project Status window.
2. Find the project(s) you want in the Find Project Status window.
3. Choose the Actuals button from the Task Status window.
Use the Find Expenditure Items window to reduce the number of expenditure items that appear in the Expenditure Item Details window.
4. Choose the AP Invoice button to view the related invoice in the Oracle Payables Invoice Overview form.
Note: The AP Invoice button is only enabled (1) for expenditure items whose expenditure type class is either Supplier Invoices or Expense Reports, and (2) if function security is implemented in such a way that the user is able to see the button.
To review commitment details for a task or resource:
1. Navigate to the Project Status window.
2. Find the project(s) you want in the Find Project Status window.
3. Choose the Commitments button from either the Task Status or Resource Status window.
Use the Find Commitments window to reduce the number of commitments that appear in the Commitment Details window.
To review event revenue details for a project, task, or resource:
- Choose the Events button from the Project Status, Task Status, or Resource Status window.
See Also
Expenditure Type Classes
Function Security